Saturday, December 02, 2023

News Weakly - 12/2/23

An Obituary for Common Sense
A company in Finland has put a new product for "transgender men." (Just to be clear, a "transgender man" is a biological woman who believes herself to be a man.) So "Vuokkoset launched the world's first tampon for men." Specifically "to meet the needs of trans men and non-binary individuals who might be experiencing having a period." Umm, hello? Anyone there? Is not a menstrual cycle a typical component of the definition of the female human being? It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, does it? No, but it does take a person willing to use common sense, a very rare commodity these days, it seems.

For the second time in a month, Pope Francis has disciplined an American Cardinal because the cardinal was opposed to the pope's plans to revise the church. This one was a retired cardinal living on a pension and in Vatican housing, and he's getting kicked out. Because, as all infallible leaders know, the best way to deal with opponents ... is to cut them off at the knees.

Pro or Con?
It's almost not news, given how much of it is going on, but the other evening thousands protested in NYC. The stories called it a "pro-Palestinian protest." So, it makes me wonder. Why do they call it "pro-Palestinian" rather than "anti-Israeli" or, perhaps more accurately, "antisemitic"? Why do they (specifically the media, but the rest as well) get to choose a "pro" term rather than the obvious "anti" term, but we who favor life cannot be called "pro-life"?

Contradicting Yourself
In a recent dubia, Roman Catholic cardinals submitted some doubts to the pope for comment. One was regarding the need to update doctrine on the topic of the ordination of women, to which he replied (in essence), "No, Scripture is clear." Then he attended an International Theological Commission at the Vatican and complained that there weren't enough women. He urged the male theologians to "demasculinize" the church. Mind you, he pointed out earlier that Scripture is clear on the topic. Further, it has been my impression that most churches have been thoroughly feminized for a long time. So maybe the pope's recent health crisis affected his brain?

2 Bee or Not 2 Bee
Apparently the Newsom v DeSantis debate (real story) was to be sponsored by U-Haul since they figured that a lot of Californians would be looking to move once they found out what life was like in Florida. Makes sense to me. On the Israel-Hamas conflict, new posters calling for the release of Hamas hostages will include WNBA players because Netanyahu said, "If there's anything that can motivate Biden to move heaven and earth and bring a hostage home safely, it's a weed-smoking WNBA player/BLM activist." Makes sense to me. And, following the toppling of the National Christmas tree (real story), there is a report that a squirrel wearing a MAGA hat was seen scampering away moments before the fall. Could be.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Why on earth would a "trans man" need a different type of tampon than any other woman? I guess from a business perspective it makes perfect sense, they know these people are mentally damaged and can get away with charging more for the same product for its "exclusivity".

    Ah, the 21st century version of excommunication, since people aren't afraid of losing access to church and heaven for disagreement, hit them where it will really hurt.

    Maybe I'm just reading the wrong news sources, but I'm seeing pro-life now and not anti-abortion in the media.

    Maybe he just wants more pretty ladies to look at. Of all the proposed changes to the RCC, I'm surprised clergy marriage isn't on the list.

    I'm surprised the Bee didn't go with a beaver since a beaver was already in the news for stripping the bark of the cherry trees in DC recently.

  2. Yes, David, "pro-life" people continue to call themselves "pro-life," but the media insists that they are "anti-abortion" ... or worse.

  3. The “world’s first tampon for men” is just about the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. If these women pretending to be men really wanted to be men, they would pursue options to cause their periods to cease completely, since menstruation is very much a female human being function, as you say. And it’s not like menstrual cycles are new to them or that for some reason their usual products no longer meet their purposes--nothing’s changed in that department, ladies! For Vuokkoset to provide these customers with “feminine hygiene products” with men-oriented labeling, etc., just feeds a mental disorder, which in my view is cruel as well as greedy of this company.

  4. As far as the male tampon story, if there are people out there stupid enough to by these things, then why wouldn't a company make them? Isn't that what capitalism is all about?

    The bigger question, I believe, is whether or not making this product automatically constitutes endorsing or agreeing with the behavior?

    Obviously getting people to by a product for a problem that doesn't exist, is a pretty impressive feat. One wonders if there are really enough "trans men" who'll spend money on this foolishness over an extended period of time.

  5. Good thoughts, Craig. Time will tell if this specialized product will feed successfully into these potential customers’ felt needs (certainly not their actual needs). And even if Vuokkoset sees no financial success from this product, they will still no doubt claim that they accomplished a worthy “higher” goal--helping to break the stereotype that only women menstruate (or gestate, lactate, or experience childbirth). According to the article and the company’s website, offering this product will help towards “changing attitudes and broadening perspectives.” Sorry, Vuokkoset, I’m sticking with science and just plain common sense, as Stan points out.

  6. There was a story a few months ago about a guy who thought he was a girl so he wanted to get a uterus transplant so he could get pregnant AND ABORT THE BABY. No end to the insanity.

  7. Lorna,

    I agree that this product goes against science and common sense. But, we live in world where Pet Rocks sold like crazy for a while. From a purely business sense, it's completely rational for this company to milk a bunch of idiots of money for as long as they can.


    I hate to break it to you, but I suspect that the insanity is just getting started. Having said that, yeah that is one crazy, intersectional wannabe dude.

  8. Yes, Craig, that would be what I call hyper-Capitalism, where the only driving force is self enrichment. To me, true capitalism considers the ethical and moral outcome of what it produces. True capitalism promotes the good in society through it's production. The capitalism we see today that only cares about the bottom line is not the financial system this country grew up with.

  9. Stan, yes, you told us about that horrible story on Sep. 16. “Insanity” is the perfect word for it.

    Craig, I read in the article that any sales proceeds would be forwarded to some pro-“trans” organization. So Vuokkoset won’t see any financial profit from the men’s tampons but will no doubt still claim that other success I mentioned. (The company’s website makes it clear they are in full support of the “gender” issue agenda.)

  10. David,

    There are probably multiple ways to label this behavior, but from a purely capitalistic viewpoint, producing a product for which a market exists makes sense. Obviously, it could be argued that producing these products does serve a "good" in society. But, there's a degree of subjectivity in defining "good" as well.


    I hadn't heard that. But, as a premise, it still makes sense to produce a product in order to support a cause. The company might also gain in it's sales of other products due to appealing to a certain demographic.

    The reality is that producing male tampons is obviously idiotic as no male has need of a tampon. Yet people do idiotic stuff regularly, including convincing people to by millions of dollars worth of dumb things.


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