Saturday, November 04, 2023

News Weakly - 11/4/23

Makes Sense ... to a Narcissist
Mike Pence dropped out of the race and Trump suggested that he should endorse Trump ... the guy who wanted to see him hanged. Makes sense to an "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a voter" mind, I suppose. (Sidenote: The Bee said Mike Pence dropping out was his best decision since launching his campaign.)

Finally, I Appear to be Represented in Government
The more I read about Mike Johnson, the new House Speaker, the better I like him. Like in this hit piece from Slate magazine. Read it for yourself. (Slate, by the way, doesn't understand "covenant marriage" in the least, defining it as a "contract" instead. Do you?) (Spoiler alert: Their big complaint about Johnson is that he and his wife plan to remain married for life ... "til death do us part." Losers.)

In This Crazy, Mixed Up World
The FBI is investigating hate crimes at Cornell University after numerous death threats were made to Jewish students on campus. Because everyone knows that the good guys are the ones who livestream with pride their beheading of children and murder of innocents and the bad guys are the ones that warn the population that they will be putting a stop to it. And any connection at all to those who "caused" this (that is, those who were the victims) is a good reason to threaten further harm to them. (And isn't it funny that this likely comes from liberals who hope to end the violence ... by perpetrating it?) Crazy Cornell; crazy world.

Assault on Democracy
Wisconsin's Democratic governor is suing the Republican-led legislature because they aren't doing what he thinks they ought. That is, "I don't care how our government is supposed to work. These people need to do things the way I think they should. We'll let the court decide." Oh, I bet you were thinking I was writing about Trump, right?

Evidence from a Hostile Witness?
I can't find this in the mainstream media, but there are reports that Pascal Najadi, the son of a World Economic Forum (WEF) co-founder, is calling for the arrest of those responsible for the forced COVID-19 vaccinations, calling it government mass murder. He included Bill Gates, the WEF, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the WHO in the accusation. He claims he now has a terminal autoimmune condition caused by the Pfizer vaccine. I have no further comment.

Gifts from the Left
Let's see ... first there was massive inflation brought on by Biden's economic policies which brought us over 7% mortgage rates and then there was the "living wage" increases that, amazingly brought a serious increase to labor costs, just to name a few. The dollar you had in 2021 is now worth about $0.85 today. Thanks, Mr. Biden.

I Don't Even ...
The USA Today is reporting that birds are being renamed "in effort to shun racism and make science more diverse." Some of the people who found and identified these birds had "racist and genocidal histories" and we need to eliminate all traces of them ... to make science "more diverse." How do you make science -- the systematic study of the physical and natural world -- less racist and more diverse? What kind of crazy world ...?

Bee True to Yourself
Hamas has clarified that, in their call for a cease fire, they only want Israel to cease fire. True or satire? At home, this Bee headline says it all: "'I Wouldn't Have Gone Along With The Nazis In 1939,' Says College Student At 'Kill The Jews' Rally." Too true to laugh. There is a report out that the White House may have handed out baggies of cocaine to trick-or-treaters this Halloween by accident. Could be? And the one that really hits home these days is the sign seen at McDonald's drive thrus offering 36-month, 0% interest financing on all value menu items. Now that seems like a deal!

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I've always been suspect of presidential candidates endorsing another. In time like these, they're not endorsing then because they actually believe they're the better candidate, but they just see the poll numbers and understand they don't stand a chance.

    Slate really doesn't like or understand conservative positions at all. I mean, I guess I can't blame people that don't have a basic understanding of biblical teaching, but all I've heard from the left is how Johnson says he's been "ordained by God" to be speaker, not understanding that he believes every politician at every level no matter what religious affiliation was placed there by God. And it sounds like covenant marriage is what marriage used to be before no-fault divorce became standard. All marriages are a covenant, we just no longer believe in keeping them.

    The whole idea of "hate crimes" is nonsensical. Hate is an internal, emotional motivation for doing something, but hating isn't a criminal act. If you act on that hate, it shouldn't be any different of a punishment than the same crime perpetrated for other reasons. The crime is the action, not the motive.

    And all those wonderful gifts from Biden are all 100% the fault of everyone that didn't vote for Trump. The Biden administration and leftist policies had nothing to do with it, it's all our fault.

    Why does a birdwatching organization even need a DEI person? Who even looks at a bird named after some old Lutheran pastor (true fact) and thinks about what that pastor taught? Who looks at the name of a bird and does a deep dive into the origins of its name and what that person did or believed, outside of his contribution to discovering that bird? Leftists simply have too much time on their hands.

    I wonder if the pro-Hamas people have actually thought out what happens if they get what they want. Do they think that the world will be a safer place? Do they think that Palestinians running Israel will allow Jews to live in peace in their borders? Or maybe, will they slaughter every man, woman, and child that couldn't flee, and then move on to expanding their terrorism to other areas. Regardless of the awful things Israel may or may not have done since the 40s, that doesn't justify genocide.

  2. Being a fellow bird enthusiast, Stan, I was interested in the bird-renaming article. I am actually in favor of making the changes they describe--but not for the reasons they cite. I would like to see the human names removed from the birds’ identifications in favor of references to the birds’ design, habitat, lifestyle, etc. Then the focus is where it belongs--on God’s complex and intelligent creation. Since they say they want to remove references to disgraceful humans from the birds’ names, I wonder if that means they will be renaming “Darwin’s finches” to something more accurate, like “finches that demonstrate God-given adaptability…and that’s not evolution” or something similarly appropriate.

  3. Being a bird enthusiast myself, I see God in every bird I see, but I'm not sure I'd vote for "finches that demonstrate God-given adaptability…and that’s not evolution". :)

  4. Yes, that suggestion was definitely tongue-in-cheek :) I like it so much better than what was implied by putting Darwin's name in it!


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