Saturday, November 25, 2023

News Weakly - 11/25/23

Culture vs Faith
The Guardian published a piece extolling the grand news that "In blessing same-sex couples, the church's compassion has triumphed over blind faith." Of course, by "blind faith" they mean "believing the Bible" and the "triumph" is in allowing popular culture to dictate truth to the church. And, of course, the church in question here is currently the Church of England, although the same can be said for other denominations as well. But placing culture and popular opinion over God and His Word cannot be considered "triumph" or "compassion."

Subsidizing Genocide
Biden is making a move to stop the violence in Gaza. He's sending Iran another $10 billion. That ought to do it. Like the last payout he gave them ... just before the Hamas attack on Israel. Wait ...

This Just In
I just heard about this. Maybe you already had. Apparently a "Christian musician" -- Derek Webb, the lead singer for Caedmon's Call -- wore a dress to the Dove Awards. He did it to "surrender" his privilege of being a "straight white man" (read "to thumb his nose at biblical sexuality"). ("Plus," he added, "I have amazing legs.") I know, I know, we're not supposed question the spiritual condition of other people, but ... Jesus said, "You will recognize them by their fruits" (Matt 7:20).

The Horror of Child Deaths
In 2021, there were nearly 3.5 million deaths in the United States. Mind you, the CDC does not include abortions in that count. Which is significant because in 2021 there were 625,978 abortions reported, bringing the number of deaths to 4,084,675. In that same time period, the CDC claimed that 460,513 died from COVID, which means that abortions killed more than COVID in 2021 and that more than 15% of the deaths in 2021 were from abortions. In fact, more babies died of abortion in 2021 than people who died of cancer (the #2 cause of death in the U.S. in 2021, right behind heart disease). But, look, we're happy to curtail freedoms and impose ineffective vaccinations and do all kinds of things to prevent the spread of COVID, but kill as many children as you like if it means women can have their "reproductive rights."

Such a Deal
The cease fire has come. Under the required cease fire, Hamas plans to release 50 of their 240 or so hostages while Israel releases 150 Palestians arrested for crimes and mayhem. In addition, Hamas receives delivery of fuel and supplies. Mind you, since Oct. 7 over 9,000 rockets have been fired into Israel (which constitutes a "substantial reduction" since the ground war began). Mind you, Hamas has used a hospital as its command structure. Mind you, Hamas had months of supplies stored that they have refused to share with their people. Mind you, Hamas's unchanged charter includes the elimination of Israel "from the river to the sea." But the loudest voices abroad all want Israel dead and gone, so it looks bad for Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psa 122:6).

Just Bee Thankful
We just celebrated Thanksgiving Day (which ought to be a continuous event rather than a day), so the story is almost too true that a man erased an entire year's worth of exercise in one meal that day. Meanwhile, the Biden administration had assured us that the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner was way down ... just as long as you didn't buy anything. A group of transgender women (biological males that identify as female) had lunch with the pope (real story here), spurring the Bee to report on men pretending to be women having lunch with a man pretending to be Catholic. And, of course, the kicker, a story about a group of atheists waiting at the Thanksgiving table for a meal to evolve from nothing. Good luck with that.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Culture vs Faith: The Guardian’s blind faith in ignoring biology and God is readily apparent; same-sex coupling is a mirage.

    Biden and genocide; Don’t ya know he claims Hamas attacked because he, Biden, was gonna bring peace to the Middle East1

    This just in: Gag me with a spoon. The man proved he is anti-God and a pervert to boot.

    Child Deaths. This is a nation which either destroys children in the womb, with deadly “vaccinations,” or destroys their brains in public schools and universities.

    Such a deal. NEVER negotiate with kidnappers or you will always be negotiating with them. Folly.

  2. It is sad that so many people see believing in Scripture as "blind faith", a book that has been proven correct numerous times, but belief in the Big Bang and Evolution is science, when neither have been proven by one atom.

    I've heard a few pundits accusing the Biden administration of actually wanting conflict. I've been leary, but the evidence is really just becoming overwhelming.

    At least we'll be able to recognize him as a fruit.

    I imagine there was a time that the term "reproductive rights" would have been a positive thing Christians would agree with, but it has become a euphemism for "have as much sex as you want without consequence", with the "consequence" even being ignored to both mother and child.

    It is amazing to me how so many Western cultures, and I'd put Israel in that category, are willing to take such lopsided and detrimental deals. 1 America hating basketball player for an arms dealer. 50 of 240 innocent hostages for 150 criminals that will likely go back to doing those crimes or worse, and supplying their enemy? All the Hamas supporters around the world need to shut up in their safe countries and join the Palestinian "military" and fight Israel with action rather than words.

    I really like that, man pretending to be Catholic. Gave me a good chuckle because it's true.

  3. The article about the men pretending to be women in Italy (mixed in with the Bee’s very humorous stories in your final section) was actually quite sad to read. Of course, I would have worded the Bee’s headline this way: “Men Pretending to Be Women Go to Lunch with Man Pretending to Be a Christian.” It’s more to the point, since it’s one thing to be a phony Catholic and far, far worse to be a phony Christian (applicable for the Church of England mention in your first section as well). “Phony Christian” also comes to mind regarding the musician in the revolting costume at the Dove Awards event.


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