Saturday, November 11, 2023

News Weakly - 11/11/23

Without Bias
The story reads (at all outlets I could find) something like, "Phoenix clears homeless encampment." The cads. The cruel government. The actual story was that over 700 homeless occupied several blocks in downtown Phoenix and the government offered them suitable housing elsewhere. More than 500 accepted. That is, they improved living conditions for 70% of them while the remaining 30% refused. But I'm confident the media intended no bias in their reporting, right?

Uniformity in the Name of Diversity
In Germany, a town daycare center, named Anne Frank Daycare, will be renamed ... in the interest of diversity. You see, Jewish Holocaust victims' names don't resonate with the community, so they want it gone. (I didn't make that up.) How is that "diversity"? "Making it align with us" is the opposite of "diversity."

With Prejudice
The headline reads, "Christian photographer wins right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples," but the truth is that this poor Christian had to go to court to retain his 1st Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. Because in our new, "progressive" world, "who I want to sleep with" overrides the Bill of Rights. We were pretty sure we were living in a secular society, but it would be more accurate to term it a "sexular society" I think.

Misinformation that was True
COVID was a huge pandemic, and in its wake there was a huge epidemic of "misinformation" -- conspiracy theories and fears and accusations that were labeled "proven false" and rejected without ... you know ... proving them false. One outcome was the belief that those who refused the COVID jab were the blame for the problem. To deny such a belief was "misinformation" ... until it wasn't misinformation. A new study in the Journal of Medical Ethics says that the unvaccinated were disproportionately scapegoated ... for simply considering "misinformation" as possibly true ... which, in the end, was often found to be just that -- true. That is, truth was often sacrificed in this pandemic, and I'm not at all sure it isn't still.

Beelieve it or Jam it
I liked this story, but ... Archaeologists have discovered Paul's completed AWANA vest, it seems. (Of course, you'd have to know what AWANA is to get that one.) Elsewhere, there have been so many tough confrontations between Dems and the GOP centered on abortion that Republicans might be considering compromising with the Left on the nuanced issue of baby murder. And riddle me this: if Bidenomics is so good, why are more grocery stores installing defibrillators at the checkout for when customers see the total, eh?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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