Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Is That Good Enough for You?

The psalmist wrote, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psa 119:105). That 119th chapter of Psalms, in fact, is an epic poem extolling the virtues of God's Word and the implicit obedience that should entail.

So the psalmist claimed, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Is it? Note the scope of the statement. The light, he claims, is "to my feet" and "to my path." Isn't that interesting? He's not looking at some grand illumination, some huge light that shows us everything. The imagery is of a lamp that lights just enough for you to walk where you need to walk. Is that good enough for you?

I've heard lots of complaints these days. "Scripture is outdated." "We've progressed beyond the Bible." I've heard many who complain that the Bible doesn't say enough. Not enough insight into the future. Not enough clarity. Not enough instruction. But Scripture says that the Holy Spirit moved men to write (2 Peter 1:21) what God breathed into them (2 Tim 3:16) so that "the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim 3:17). That is, God's Word is sufficient ... one step at a time. Is that good enough for you?


  1. Excellent point. All to many people (myself included) frequently want to see the whole picture all the time. Trusting in a sovereign God who loves us and being satisfied with the limited amount of illumination He allows me has been a focus of mine for several years. I don't always live like I should, but I try.

  2. I can understand the desire to know more because the fear of the unknown can be debilitating. If you're in a dark forest and have only a flashlight to see by, all the noises in the dark are potential threats. The difference between the flashlight and the Word, is we can know that the power of the Word is enough to keep what's in the darkness back.

  3. Just enough light for my feet and for my path--what a helpful point to keep in mind! I don’t need to see too far ahead along my journey; it is enough to know that God is guiding me along the way through His Word. I tend to be a “planner,” but I also know about those “best laid plans.” “Take one step at a time” is common advice that is easier to follow when the Lord is your trustworthy Guide and Leader. I appreciate this reminder today (ironically, as I work on mapping out an upcoming 5,000-mile cross-country road trip, for which I do need to see the whole route :).


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