Saturday, October 07, 2023

News Weakly - 10/7/23

Losing My Diversity
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is concerned. They set goals for diversity among their delegates to include a specific ratio of people of color, LGBT folk, etc. to white people ... and they can't meet their own numbers. It appears that in all minority categories that wish to support their cause are decreasing. They think this might indicate a problem. Do ya think?

How Good Are These Cakes??!!
Jack Phillips is the baker in Denver that keeps refusing to violate his religious beliefs (that scoundrel) and hangs, perhaps foolishly, on the 1st Amendment. So he's now facing his third lawsuit, this time for refusing to bake a cake for a gender transition. Now, if we don't like a particular vendor for some reason, we normally avoid said vendor, but all the L's and G's and T's keep going back. So ... how good are these cakes?? I mean, it can't be because they're specifically and maliciously targeting Jack and his religion, can it? (I wonder what would happen if he just made the thing and did it badly -- a statement about what he thinks of it? Would that be another lawsuit?)

It's all fun and games until ...
Well, the Bee was messing around again with humor, so back on October 2 they put up the story about California Governor Newsom throwing darts at a board covered with black lesbians to select the Feinstein's replacement ... and real news intrudes on October 3 when they swore in a black lesbian to replace Feinstein. Too close to be satire?

Baffled by Rising Prices
Have you been wondering why our gas prices keep rising? Biden's Department of the Interior has published gas lease sales for the next 5 years. They have approved three, the lowest number ever. By carefully eliminating sources ("supply") without adjusting demand, the only possibility is skyrocketing prices. So we thank our Democratic overlords for their benevolence with our pocketbooks.

For The Fun Of It
We just drove through the town of Banning, California, and I thought, "What a great place to open a bookstore! I'd call it 'Banning Books.'" An automatic winner, right?

Congressman Bowman "accidentally" pulled the fire alarm in the Capitol building while lawmakers argued to avert a shutdown. Democrats have proposed a $12 billion study to determine what this strange red handle thing does.

By the way, in response to that Bee story about him throwing darts at a dart board, Governor Newsom, assured us that she was the most qualified of the 0.00001% of the population he chose from. And you thought there was some agenda there. Doubter.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. “Banning Books”--that was a good one! Thanks for all the humor this morning!

  2. That was all mine, too. Didn't get that from the Bee. :)

  3. Just from a logistical view, diversity hiring has never seemed a good idea to me. Maybe hiring minorities by percentage of their minorityship would be possible, but making them equal amounts just seems like an impossible task. LGBT alone only makes up around 1% of the entire population. The numbers just don't add up. Plus, when you force yourself into that box, you necessarily decrease the quality of employees you can get. But it's also just funny that minorities (other than LGBT) are waking up to the truth that the Democrats don't actually have their best interests at heart.

    Nope, couldn't possibly be a targeted assault. I guess they figure if they can't put him out of business for legal means, they'll put him out of business for legal fees.

    The Bee strikes again with prophecy rather than satire.

    Maybe if your gas costs too much that will make you decide to buy an electric car. No matter that there's not enough supply of those nor a sufficient infrastructure for a nation of mostly electric cars. The last that's the head of the DOT, I think, tried making a show of using electric cars, needed several gas cars as an entourage and still couldn't make the three state journey she planned without losing charge.

    "Banning Books" I like it. Maybe part of that money can go to finding out how many of those devices feel oppressed and what their victim status is.

    Did you hear about the women's tech conference where they were complaining about the amount of non-binary men that showed up? They can't tell you what a woman is, but the moment they don't like something, they can suddenly figure out the difference between men and women.

  4. Regarding “Banning Books,” you would have to know if they were for or against book-banning. If they are against it, they would have a huge inventory, but if they are for it, they might have nothing on their bookshelves for sale! :)

  5. I recently saw a t-shirt for sale protesting the banning of books. I wondered if they had heard that a school district in Utah had banned the Bible and if they would protest or concur with that.

    Mind you, books are NOT being banned. We have ALWAYS been (rightly) concerned about inappropriate material in the hands of young kids, and some places have removed them from those hands, but not from availability. On the other hand, my neighbor was complaining just the other day that her kid (8th grade) isn't allowed to read To Kill a Mockingbird in the public school because it contains objectionable material. So clearly what is being allowed and why is the question, because NO ONE seems to want ALL books allowed in all places.

  6. And, yes, David, that whole diversity hiring thing springs from a different fundamental principle that says that jobs are there for the people and not for the companies that offer them. The companies should have the right to hire the most qualified at a reasonable price for the services offered, but that's not the game anymore. It has to be some nebulous "living wage" (which changes every time they raise the minimum to a "living wage") and some sort of equal percentage of intersectional people because businesses are supposed to be in the business of supporting workers and minorities (whatever that means anymore).

  7. All great comments above.

    Losing My Diversity

    I'm still trying to figure out that whole "diversity is our strength" angle. No one has ever been able to explain to me how that's possibly true, especially given people...for the most part...are people. It's clear it isn't "diversity of ideas" or "points of view" because those who think it's "our strength" are the same people who suppress differing ideas.

    How Good Are These Cakes??!!

    It has to be his cakes are just better than any other bakery! It can't possibly be they won't tolerate diversity in points of view.

    It's all fun and games until ...

    I came upon this Bee article today and couldn't remember if it truly came before the actual selection of a black lesbian who doesn't live anywhere near California! I'm still not sure if it did, but I choose to believe it did because it's cooler that way.

    Baffled by Rising Prices

    You're totally wrong on this one, Stan. It's gotta be Putin...or climate change...or those darned MAGA extremists.

  8. The poll numbers for the last few years seem to be indicating that the DFL stranglehold on minority communities is slipping. It seems like there are multiple reasons for this, but the most obvious seems to be that you can only take these groups for granted, fail to keep your promises, and not improve things for so long before things start to go badly.


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