Saturday, October 28, 2023

News Weakly - 10/28/23

Who Knew?
In Sydney, Australia, some 15,000 people reportedly joined in a pro-Palestinian march. I wasn't aware that Australians were pro-terrorism and murder and kidnapping. Learn something new every day, I guess. Of course, we knew that about some New Yorkers -- who want to eliminate Israel entirely -- right?

One for the Books
You may have missed this. Health Canada (the government Health Department) has confirmed the presence of DNA contamination from COVID-19 vaccines. This contamination can trigger cancer and alter the human genome. I'm sure you remember they assured us no such thing was possible and it was only conspiracy theories (read "misinformation") that made the claim and were proven false. Which only goes to show that not all conspiracy theories that have been "proven false" are false and not all "safe vaccines" are safe and neither our government nor our news media is willing to tell us the truth when it goes against the accepted narrative.

Not All Crazies Live In California
A former British MP has declared that Israel "has no right to exist" after the media blamed Israel for an explosion at a Gaza hospital. Mind you, the evidence appears to point to Hamas as having blown up that hospital, not Israel. Mind you, This MP believes that the UK has a right to exist despite the centuries of atrocities they committed. Then his real wisdom comes out. "Unless and until Israel is dismantled, we will never achieve peace in the region." Umm ... genocide does produce peace, I guess, if all the combatants of one side are gone, but ...

Rights are Whatever the Government Gives You
The Supreme Court has ruled that the government can limit free speech if it is the expression of disfavored views that the administration wants to supress. "Misinformation" they call it, which, as we all know, keeps turning into documented fact. To the Biden administration, I say, "Shame on you!" To the folks that figured we would have an edge with a more conservative Supreme Court, I say, "Think again." To those who place their trust in the Bill of Rights, you might want to find a better place to stand if the Supreme Court is going to rule the First Amendment unconstitutional.

Fake News of Another Kind
An Oklahoma 16-year-old was sentenced to 50 years in prison for shooting a 5-year-old girl in a drive-by as part of a gang initiation. Somehow the fact that he was "baby-faced" and "4' 9" tall" was significant? His lawyer blamed his parents. That's one news item. On the same day, another was that Kyle Richards (of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) was "really hurt" seeing a guy she liked holding hands with another woman. News?

Beelieve It Or Not
California's Governor Newsom visited China's Xi Jinping in order to get more ideas on how to run California. Or, perhaps, to give Xi Jinping a few. Meanwhile, Biden headed off to the beach for a vacation (actual story), but the White House assured reporters that he will be very concerned about the crisis in Gaza once he finds out about it. And from the Genesius Times, apparently insurrection is back in vogue for the left after Rashida Tlaib appeared to threaten the president if he didn't act on behalf of the Palestinians, remaining "silently complicit" for Israel's "horrific war crimes" (actual story).

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. And there are still people that deny that the Holocaust happened? What do they think will happen to the Jews in Israel if Hamas gets to run them out? They want "freedom for Palestine" but don't seem to consider what that means for Jews in Palestine. I actually heard an American Palestinian woman call an Israeli woman a Nazi.

    It's so sad that everything people said against everything that happened during COVID-19 that was deemed harmful and misinformation has been proven to be true.

    Fake News of Another Kind
    There's also the police shooting of the black man that was recently out of a 16 year false prison sentence, but the media won't tell you that there officer shot him while the man was strangling him.

  2. Have you heard the "code" Hamas is using for "peace with the Jews"? "From the river to the sea." Meaning when the Jews are completely eliminated from what is currently Israel, then Hamas will agree to "peace." That is, "Let's compromise. We eliminate you entirely and you simply ... die." Nice.

  3. This news about the vaccine, would seem to open the door for people to sue big Pharma given the fact that they were misleading everyone about the vaccine.

    "From the river to the sea." is a battle cry that's been used for quite a while. As you note it is a call to eradicate all of the Jews from what is currently Israel. It's especially disturbing to hear schoolchildren in the US chanting this call to genocide. The level of support for this war cry in general is disturbing.

  4. Did you forget, Craig? The government granted Big Pharma immunity for their vaccine. No one can do a thing about it.

  5. Stan, no I remember the immunity. I can't imagine that big pharma lying about the contents of the vaccine wouldn't void the immunity agreement.


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