Saturday, October 21, 2023

News Weakly - 10/21/23

I Don't Think That Word Means What You Think It Means
They're adding new sports to the Olympics. Some I get. Lacrosse and cricket, for instance are real sports. Football I can see, except it's flag football. No "dangerous sports"? Squash is a sport, but I don't think they have a racquetball or handball category, so why squash? Well, they added skateboarding and break dancing for 2024, so I guess "sports" is undergoing a redefinition as well as so many other terms these days.

Crimes Fall Down
While the media pummels us almost daily with reports of shootings and riots and other horrors, the FBI reports that violent crime ticked down in 2022 -- collectively 1.7%. Homicides dropped by 6% and rape decreased by 5%. Which only makes me wonder just how reliable our news media really is, since they appear to leave us in a constant state of terror about violent crimes and all.) Especially since the media opted to emphasize an increase in car thefts instead. (Oh, wait ... what do we call an organization that inflicts terror?

I Wonder What Made Him Say That
A Stanford neurobiologist has determined that humans have no free will at all. So serial killers are not responsible for their actions and there is no value in you trying to be a good (or bad) person. Everything, he argues, is determined by forces outside our control. Oddly, the claim is "Free will is a myth, and the sooner we accept that, the more just our society will be." Just? I suspect that when we adopt this nonsensical view it will save us a lot on law enforcement, prisons, and awards.

Whose Side Are They On?
Biden has promised humanitarian aid to Gaza. It can only be to the residents and not to Hamas. If we keep in mind that not all Palestinians are terrorists, this makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the whole portion of the Middle East for being attacked yelling loudly against Israel's retaliation (partly over that hospital that apparently was not Israel's doing) but not willing to provide any aid at all. If they don't put actions to their words, we know which speaks the loudest.

Not Side A; Side Bee
Dozens of protesters were arrested at the White House who were calling for an end to Israel's response to being attacked (actual story), but Hamas is disappointed that liberals don't believe they massacred Jews after they went to all the trouble of livestreaming it. Besides, Hamas has clarified that they meant to start the kind of war where they could do what they wanted and no one fights back. Israel simply misunderstood. Dylan Mulvaney, in case you don't know, is the guy who identifies as a transexual female. Virgin Atlantic awarded him "Woman of the Year" (actual story). In response, the Babylon Bee awarded him "Man of the Year" for achieving things other men only dream about, like taking down Bud Light or the courage to wear designer gowns at the Met Gala. In other news, the Gospel Coalition released the Taylor Swift Study Bible because, "Who better than singer-songwriter and cultural icon Taylor Swift to provide us with rich, accessible Biblical exegesis?" Right? (And I had to laugh at the one about liberals replacing the Star of David on the COEXIST sticker with a Hamas terrorist in a hang glider. Now that was funny right there.)

Myst be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. It seems the Olympics have lost sight of its purpose to showcase elite athletes. I'm guessing money might be involved. The more events, the more people are watching, the more money is flowing.

    It is sad that the media is simply unreliable as a source of information. There was an incident this week of a cop killing a black man, and all they reported on was the fact that he was recently out of a 16 year false sentence, he was black, and the cop was white. They completely omitted the fact that when the cop shot him, the man has his hands around the cops throat and the cop had tried 2 other non-lethal methods to subdue him (one of which was a Taser that the man simply walked off).

    I don't understand how removing agency will lead to justice. We already see court cases where justice is miscarried because the person was incapable of controlling themselves, just born that way. We already see riots and destruction and the local government calls them misunderstood youth. I saw one police procedural show that had a case where the lawyer tried getting his client out of murder because the guy had a mass in his brain that made him a sociopath and not responsible for his actions (I know it was fiction, but it shows the idea is at least out there and how often do we see fiction become reality?).

    Does Biden not understand humanity? In Somalia in the 90s, the UN sent food and medicine to aid the civilians caught in that war, but they rarely received it because the warlords took it first. What makes him think the Hamas will agree to civilian only aid when they purposefully put civilians in harm's way? Israel is already in this situation because Biden doesn't understand how money works and allowed Iran to get 6 billion dollars to fund terror. And why are we responsible for the civilians in Gaza? Their own people don't even care for them and won't let them flee to safety. Unless we go in with military force, there's no way we can guarantee that what aid we send won't simply help Hamas, and even if we somehow policed that process, I doubt the civilians wouldn't willing give up that aid to the Hamas.

    I really enjoyed your title for the Bee section. Too bad not many people younger than me will get the reference.

  2. I know it's not the point of the post, but what did those anti-Israel Jews think they would accomplish in Israel by protesting in Washington? If they want their voices heard and for Israel to just accept the murder and terror of their people, they should go to Israel and protest the people in charge there. What does Israel care about a few traitors' feelings in a country across a continent and an ocean?


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