Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Scary Things

Marshal Art is a regular visitor and commenter here on this blog. We generally see eye-to-eye on things. No two people think the same about everything, but we're generally in sync. But Art has this line of thinking, certainly not an uncommon one, that is troublesome. I comment here about that line of thinking and not Art. Back in 1992 and again in 1996, Pat Buchanan ran for president. Clinton took it both times. One guy from my church told me, "Clinton is not my president. Pat Buchanan is." Because, you see, people like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden and the rest of the Left are really bad for the country. And if the Right had their way, only the Right would be in charge. Without it, we can expect nothing but bad.

From a secular view, that may or may not be so. Not from a Christian view. I am stunned by the scary world in which so many genuine believers live, always on the precipice with bad people having bad influence on a bad world. I say they live there, because I don't. In my world "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He will" (Pro 21:1). In my world "there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God" (Rom 13:1). In my world Christ is over all authorities. Beyond that, the way I see it is "God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Php 4:19). There are no conditions that limit that.

If I understood that we need a conservative president and bad people (however you might define "bad people") saw to it that we didn't get one, it is not the fault of those bad people. It is God's failure. Conversely, if God is in charge, and God is Sovereign, and God does supply all we need, then I would have to affirm that this bad government that infests our world today is what God thinks we actually need, for whatever reason, and I would want to "rejoice in the Lord," (Php 4:4) to "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thess 5:18), to look for God's good hand at work and seek to join Him there. The alternative, which appears to be the view of the majority, is too frightening for me, leaving me without a reliable God who is reliably Sovereign and who cannot reliably supply my needs. To so many, a world run by evil people is a scary thing. To me, an unreliable God is moreso.


  1. We need to have a hopeful view, I think. I did what I thought was right, but God is in control and is over every throne, dominion, principality, or power. That's why that even Christians under the tyranny of Rome were told to hope and obey. Live our lives blameless and trust in His good plan.

  2. In a conversation with a friend between the time I wrote this entry and now, I saw something interesting. Our conversation wasn't about this topic, but there was a similarity. We were talking about what is God's will and, as it turned out, he and I were using "will" in two different senses. He used it as "the things God causes" and I used it as "the things God can use." I wonder if there isn't something similar going on here. You referred to God's "good plan." Others say, "It can't be good if that guy gets into office" (for instance). I suspect we are using "good" in two different senses. They (rightly) point to the harm and damage bad government causes and call it "bad" and we point to God's perfect, hidden purpose that may include unpleasantness but always ends up as best.

  3. The notion from Christians that we as humans can thwart YHWH's power and plans is indeed troubling. We are called to participate in politics, politicians and ideologies are not outside of YHWH's control. What I'm seeing is people who draw conclusions about other's faith based on their politics. "How can you call yourself a Christian if you don't vote for X, or Y?". Taking power this rightfully belongs to YHWH upon our selves is very seductive. It's almost as if political power is the most important thing.

    David is exactly right in pointing out that the early Church lived under a much worse government than we've ever seen, yet they were regularly told to obey the government and put their trust in YHWH.

  4. Stan,

    It was clear that YHWH used the conquest of Israel by pagan kings as a teaching tool for Israel. HE also used the bad kings of Israel the same way. We can't assume that what we think is "good" automatically matches what YHWH thinks is "good". Nor can we underestimate His ability to take what is intended for evil, and to use it for good.

  5. Whenever I think of God using everything for good, I can't help think of Joseph in Egypt or Mary in Bethlehem. The very bad things that happened to them (Joseph in slavery and prison and Mary forced to ride to Bethlehem while nearly ready to burst) aren't made good by God's using them, but the outcome they produce was made good by God. It's similar to the recent uproar about Florida's curriculum which mentions that some slaves were able to take what they learned as slaves and male something out of it once freed. It doesn't make the slavery good, but good was able to be made out of the bad. We aren't told that all things that happen to us are good, only that they will be made good for us by God. And that might be where people are getting hung up. They hear that and think I'm saying evil is good, when I'm saying evil is made to produce good.

  6. I really like your concluding thoughts here, Stan. In addition to the verses you quoted, 1 Tim. 2:1-4 instructs me to pray for “… kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence….” Regardless of which candidate wins or which political party is in power any particular term, I can certainly still pray that God, who oversees it all, will enable me to live in obedience to Him. Yes, each passing decade presents more challenges to this ability, but currently I am able to worship God freely. Thus, I will continue to pray towards that most-important goal as instructed, as yet another presidential election looms before us. My eternal relationship with the Lord will outlive and outlast every politician who comes along, and God is on His throne and at work through it all.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?