Saturday, September 09, 2023

News Weakly - 9/9/23

A Man Has to Know His Limitations
The president claimed to have reduced the national budget deficit, but, in fact, most of that was due to the end of COVID spending. Worse, the budget deficit is projected to double this year. Thank you, Mr. President.

Insulting Women
According to Vogue Magazine the only sportswoman on their list of "Britain's 25 Powerhouse women" ... is not a woman. It is a transgender. "Emily Bridges" (I can't find his original name because that would be "deadnaming" which is immoral if not illegal.) was on the men's team as late as 2020. I'm quite sure that he surrendered his national junior men's record over 25 miles ... like Jenner did for all his men's Olympics awards. Oh, no, that would imply honesty.

Not Really Doing Us a Service
Now, this is news. The media is reporting that the services sector of the American economy picked up in August. I would consider that news, seeing as how it has become nearly impossible since COVID to find people willing to provide customer service. Of course, to be honest, they weren't saying that customer service has improved. But it is a nice thought.

Can You Say "Lemmings"?
After the Civil War, the Constitution was amended by the 14th Amendment to prevent those who "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" from serving in office. Mind you, Trump's trial isn't scheduled until March 4 of next year. Mind you, Trump was acquitted of insurrection in 2021. Mind you, the FBI determined that no insurrection took place. These things don't bother his loud opponents. Neither does the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" anymore. In this "We declare what is or is not true and you agree or suffer the consequences" world we now inhabit, they're hoping to disqualify him from office beforehand. Because all they really care about is justice control. And all we, like lemmings, should follow the loudest voices off the cliff.

A Good Reason
VP Harris has nothing better to do, so she's on the campaign trail for 2024. She told a television interviewer that she and Biden would win in 2024 and she was ready to lead if necessary. Now, I can't think of a better reason to work hard at making sure they don't get voted in.

Coming Soon to a Nation Near You
A former Finnish government minister stood trial for "hate speech" because she quoted Scripture on Twitter. She included "male and female created He them" and, perhaps the ultimate offense, the term "sin." They weren't putting the Bible on trial, they said; just her faith. You cannot believe what you want in Finland, where certain opinions about Bible verses "are criminal." Make no mistake. The Bible is on trial; always has been. And the world won't tolerate it.

California ... Again
California has become the first state to celebrate a Transgender History Month. I'm not clear. Is that because transgender history doesn't go much past a month? According to Wikipedia, the modern concept of "transgender" "did not develop until the mid-1900s." But California says, "Our strongest defense against the anti-trans agenda is just to tell the truth" which, I'm pretty sure, will not include that little tidbit.

Privacy Matters
Currently Florida's Supreme Court is taking up the question of whether or not the state constitution protects abortion rights. Mind you, the Supreme Court of the U.S. has already ruled that the Constitution does not. But do the constitutions of the individual states? In Florida (as, originally, in Roe v Wade), Planned Parenthood and the ACLU argue that the constitution guarantees the right to privacy. That always struck me as odd. How does the right to privacy (protected or not) mean a right to kill a child? If I follow this logic down its rabbit hole, wouldn't it stand to reason that, as long as I do it in private, I should be able to, oh, I don't know, kill another person? Make drugs? Steal from the IRS? What does "privacy" have to do with it? And if it is done in a doctor's office, how can it be called "private" anymore? It's not like it's a victimless crime. Babies are getting killed. Oddly enough, the ACLU doesn't give a fig for the rights of babies -- just the right to kill them. Isn't that false advertising? Or is it okay as long as they do it in private? I'm not getting this at all.

Heat Exhaustion
The Bee itself complained this week that it was a "slow news week, but chalked it up to some conspiracy of the reptile people. So I don't have much humor this week. Not my fault. End-of-summer heat exhaustion and all that, you know?


  1. A Man Has to Know His Limitations

    I prefer to thank those who allowed him to win the 2020 election by rejecting a proven commodity.

    Insulting Women

    Giving up male awards received prior to "transitioning" doesn't make the "transgendered" dude honest. He lost that when he insisted he was a woman and until he recants that lie, he will ever be dishonest.

    Not Really Doing Us a Service

    I didn't read the linked piece, but if it's reporting there are more service related jobs, that's a good thing.

    I've been doing lots of stuff which requires lots of service people. Things like changing account info, altering services requested, dropping services I no longer feel are worth the cost and other things the specifics of which aren't relevant to my experiences with customer service people over the last several weeks (with more to come). Among those I'd say are the least of these, I'd say they simply aren't good at their jobs. Most of the frustration is getting them to understand what I'm trying to fix or clarify. With one, where I was getting loud late at night (much to my sleeping wife's great annoyance), it was a matter of simply not answering the simple question I was asking.

    However, I have to say that among all these customer service experiences, most were extremely pleasant and helpful. And that was a good thing given how many I needed to contact. I may simply have gotten lucky.

    Can You Say "Lemmings"?

    It wasn't all that long ago I learned the behavior implied by reference to lemmings is untrue. They do not follow other lemmings over cliffs. Modern progressives might call that a slander!

    But nothing Trump is experiencing would be happening had he not been rejected by so many who should have known better than leave the slightest opening for a known incompetent like Joe Biden, and of course his party.

    A Good Reason

    Does that include voting for Trump if he wins the GOP nomination? That he was rejected in 2020 is why this threat hangs over us.

    Coming Soon to a Nation Near You

    So many do nothing in between elections. In this country, there is no reason we should ever experience what Finland is experiencing. One can't b**** and moan if one isn't staying involved in the process. It's one thing to say all is in His hands. It's another to do nothing and expect miracles not deserved.

    California ... Again

    The truth is anathema to those who defend, promote, support and enable immorality and disorder. But yeah...let's be sure we're giving them truth loudly and clearly and whenever they seek to push their narrative. No longer can "good" men do nothing.

    Privacy Matters

    The cheap "privacy" rationalization...aside from being a bald-faced lie...falsely asserts there's no craven sinfulness attached to murdering one's own child in order to push the BS privacy line. What kind of scum murders their own child, except one who desperately asserts without true basis no person exists. If that was true, no privacy would be necessary.

  2. Wow! You clearly have an axe to grind, don't you, Marshal? It's odd that so much of your animosity is toward those who didn't vote the way you wanted them to. In this comment alone you included at least 3 jabs at Christians who didn't vote for Trump. You seem to believe that our present problems are not as much Joe's doing as they are the fault of Christians who didn't vote the way you required them to. I'm sorry to hear it.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?