Saturday, September 30, 2023

News Weakly - 9/30/23

Tempus Fugit
I don't know why it's news. Congress hasn't passed a budget on time in 27 years, so I can't imagine why we'd expect it this year. But, once again, we're all gonna die because Congress hasn't passed a budget for this year. Go figure. (You know, if I failed to do my job that consistently, I would have been fired.)

Last Minute Update: The House passed, as usual, a last-minute stopgap measure to extend the budget deadline 45 days. That's because, as usual, Congress is not doing its job.

A church in Texas, the Cathedral of Hope, held a "Drag Sunday" service to bless members of the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," a group of drag queens who specifically make fun of Christ and the church for the cause of the LGBT crowd. I'm pretty sure that blessing the blatant mockery of Christianity and Christ is a sure way to abandon all hope for those who enter (1 John 2:19).

Thinking Far Outside the Box
Apparently, a new trend in public schools is to go to a 4-day week. Well, it will decrease missed days (by 1 day a week) and discipline referrals (by 1 day a week). It will cost schools less, and, hey, aren't they already doing a bang-up job? Oh, you working parents that are stuck with finding coverage for your kids on that day ... too bad for you. Haven't we already determined that parents are not a factor in childrens' education?

Considering the Track Record ...
The EU, well known for its liberty and protections of freedoms (oh, wait ... hang on), is criticizing Elon Musk's X (formerly Twitter) because they just allow way too much free speech. This is something that the EU just won't allow. While our modern cultures demand that there is no such thing as absolute truth, they are quite sure that the things they deem as "disinformation" or "misinformation" are certainly that ... primarily because they say so. "You can know what is or isn't misinformation because we tell you what it is, and you will align with it or desist." So they are the source of absolute truth and we need to comply.

Finally! Some work in the Senate produced bipartisan agreement on a pressing issue. They've agreed to change the dress code. Because, as we all know, the Senate is a symbol of freedom and how you dress there makes a difference to what you can accomplish. Maybe now they can start to get lesser things done ... like, oh, I don't know, government funding? Oh, hang on, they also approved Hispanic Restaurant Week! Yippee!! (The whole dress code fiasco is a fine example of the "end of appropriate" when they have to pass rules on appropriate dress and senators mock it.)

Without Further Comment
The longest running female senator from California, Diane Feinstein, has died at the age of 90. I'll let you discuss among yourselves what to think of that.

More Wisdom (read "satire") from the Bee
With all the political scandals of late, the Bee says that the nation is torn between a party that openly works at rending the fabric of our society over against a party that claims to support family values while secretly discarding them. Decisions, decisions. In fact, it has been suggested that the favorite choice of viewers in the GOP debates has been the "mute button." And, as it turns out, those stores that were looted (actual story) by a group of people in Philadelphia were actually just looted by poor people looking for bread to feed their kids. Give 'em a break, right?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I don't recall the first time their failure to pass a budget, but I do remember never caring. They make it seem like all of society will collapse if they don't do something, and yet we're still here somehow.

    I hope any true believers in that church finally saw the light after that and left. That would be a prime target for Christ rampaging with a whip. I mean, even their name is promoting sinfulness.

    And I imagine they're not increasing the hours kids will be there on the 4 days. To me, they're basically admitting they're not actually doing their job since they don't seem to have enough stuff to teach them since they dropped the reading, writing, and arithmetic from the curriculum.

    The EU seems fond of criticizing the US for doing lesser things than they already do. They did the same thing over the Dobbs decision, condemning a what 16-week ban on abortion when they were already on a shorter one? Mississippi was doing nothing more than Europe already did and were vilified for it by European leaders.

    At least the government has finally caught up with the rest of the country. Nobody seems to care about a dress code anymore, from church to work to interviews, it is all casual Friday all the time.

    Be prepared for someone even more liberal than she was.

    The Bee, no longer writing satire but reporting on current events.

  2. Tempus Fugit

    Congress shuts down every night, most every weekend, holidays and when not in session while Congress critters return to their states to do whatever it is they do when they return to their states. We don't even notice any negative effect of any kind from this routine.

    At the same time, the government NEVER truly shuts down. What's more, should the federal government "shut down" because a spending bill wasn't passed, each state and municipality in the union would continue serving its people.

    I find it most heinous that Congress will threaten various people with their shutdown fear mongering, while we know that no governmental animal will fail to be paid once the shutdown ends. I doubt that graciousness is extended to non-governmental people impacted by the stoppage of funding during that period. No way active military should ever miss a paycheck. No way any Congressman or Senator should ever see one for the period during which the shutdown was in effect. If they fail to come to a compromise on spending, they must NOT be paid if the government shuts down as a result, and for however long the duration, that amount of time should come out of their hides.

    I could go on further opining about the BS of this charade, but you get the picture. The worst of it is how many people the Dems...not the GOP...will allow to suffer because of their fake concern about the nation when their goal is to get what they want and damn those who die in the process.


    Sounds very much like something Jeff St in Louisville, KY would do!

    Thinking Far Outside the Box

    I'm totally ashamed I've not attended any school board meetings. I hope every else who hasn't is as well. We all should be. We must all get to the next one and stand with those who promote truth, reason and morality in our schools. God save the children. He will if we choose to try ourselves.

    Considering the Track Record ...

    International "modern progressives". We have our own and they need to be confronted, mocked and ridiculed for the morons they are. Support every truly conservative Christian source boldly and spread the news.


    It's really no small thing. But at the same time, there's value in allowing the moron party to dress like slobs while the angels themselves...dress like adults. It's always good to visually contrast our side with theirs.

    But we see this very same disregard for decorum, respect and reverence in our churches. Do YOU wear a jacket and tie to Sunday service in AZ? I'm guilty of that disregard myself, though there are limits to my disrespect for the Lord.

    I've seen several articles on this issue which referenced a time when men would wear suits and Fedoras to enjoy Major League Baseball. I'm still kind hacked to see NBA coaches no longer wearing suits. (Few did it as well as Pat Riley!) George Halas used to wear a suit while coaching on the sidelines. That extended to Tom Landry of the Cowboys. I still take my baseball type hat off when entering a restaurant and other buildings.

    I favor any bill or rule which promotes such things as manners and decorum and proper protocols. I favor anything which implies, if not promotes, a cultured, decent society.

    Without Further Comment

    "I'll let you discuss among yourselves what to think of that."

    I did.

    All are invited to throw in their five cents (inflation, you know!).


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?