Saturday, September 23, 2023

News Weakly - 9/23/23

With Friends Like This ...
In an effort to further drive businesses and, therefore, people out of California, the state is suing all the major oil companies -- which, of course, provide employment and income to the state -- the cost of which will be passed on to the consumers. They say oil companies knew all along that they were killing the planet and did it anyway. To further this "Mass Exit" program, Governor Newsom plans to penalize companies by requiring them to report emissions. At some point oil companies and other major companies might deem it cheaper to take their jobs and tax payments elsewhere like so many in San Francisco have already done. Don't worry, California. Big government has your back. You just have to wonder about the knife they're holding when they do.

No Evidence of Election Fraud
In Connecticut in a mayoral primary, a video was leaked that showed Wanda Geter-Pataky, vice chair of the Democratic town committee, stuffing a pile of white envelopes into a ballot box. The losing challenger lost by 251 votes, all in the absentee ballot box. But, no, there is no evidence of widespread election fraud. There is evidence of small-scale, targeted, effective election fraud. But we'll ignore that as "conspiracy theory" stuff because it doesn't fit our narrative.

With Friends Like This II
So it has now come to light that conservative South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem had a long affair with Trump's former adviser, Corey Lewandowski. It's stuff like this -- blatant stuff -- that hurts conservatives who claim to have higher values than those dirty liberals. On the other hand, when Democratic candidate Susanna Gibson was forced to end her campaign because her livestreamed sex acts came to light, she complained that it was an "invasion of privacy" and she is miffed ... not embarrassed. Both sides, of course, need to do a little self-evaluation. I don't hold out much hope in either case.

Seeing is Beelieving
Trump appeared to flip on his pro-life stance this week when he complained about Florida's Heartbeat law. In a follow-up attempt to appease the pro-life crowd, he reportedly said that there are "very fine people on both sides" of the baby murder issue. Elsewhere, as the deadline looms, House Democrats are threatening to keep the government open. The nation is scared. Meanwhile, the Biden family celebrated the news that Hunter was only indicted on gun charges. Considering the list of actual charges he could have faced, it was quite a relief for the Bidens.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. What does California want oil companies to do, shutter their doors and stop providing the substance that keeps us economically and militarily superior? Or is this just Newsom's new plan to make money for the state since he's been striving to push so much tax revenue out?

    Maybe Wanda had 251 friends that needed help getting their ballots delivered and she is just that nice of a person...

    Though, only an affair is still a higher standard than open sex with anyone at any time in any place. Yes the standard has slipped, but it's still higher. Not saying it's anywhere near what it needs to be.

  2. Actually, David, yes, they DO want oil companies to stop producing oil so we will stop using it. Save the planet, you know? Even though food production produces almost a third of greenhouse gases ... so we'll have to stop that. (John Kerry said so.) And 25% is from electricity production, so we'll have to stop that. And 28% is from transportation, so that's right out, too. So, let's see, we either need to eliminate half (or more) of the human population (demand) or return to the pre-Industrial Age (supply) and we'll fix this problem.

    (Oh, and I realize you were being humorous about Wanda's 251 friends, but it's actually illegal in that state to deliver ballots for someone else.)

  3. Since AZ provides the majority of California's power now, and they're dumping oil and gas for electric powered vehicles, does that mean a bigger chunk of cash coming to AZ? Wouldn't that be nice. It could subsidize the gas pumps and maybe get us a discount or two. Nah, that won't happen, but I do wonder how Cali will hold out next summer. Rolling brown-outs will be just the beginning. Perhaps they can get that sea power machine running... or put up more windmills that don't burn down forests. How many hydro-electric dams do they have? Nuclear. That's how they'll do it. Oh, wait, they're all afraid of nuclear. Oh well.


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