Saturday, September 16, 2023

News Weakly - 9/16/23

Another Gun Casualty
The governor of New Mexico suspended the right to carry firearms in Albuquerque for 30 days. While many are bemoaning the violation of the 2nd Amendment, I'm more concerned about the other assault. The problem, you see, is that people with no regard for the law are killing people in Albuquerque and the remedy is ... a law against carrying a gun? You guys can debate guns. I'm sorry to hear of the sad passing of common sense.

Well, If That Don't Beat All
Just when you thought you'd heard it all, I came across this story about a "transgender activist" -- a biological male -- who is transitioning to be a woman with the aim of getting a uterus transplant and getting pregnant ... so he can abort it. The story, of course, is so far out there that, on one hand, one has to question its veracity and, on the other hand, looking at the current social climate on both "transgender" and abortion as a good thing that it just might be true. (This character promised to become a woman and have "gay sex" with "trans women" to get pregnant, bringing up the obvious question of "Just what is 'gay sex' in terms of a trans society?")

Late to the Show
The FDA told us this week that phenylephrine, the main ingredient in a lot of decongestants, doesn't actually work. The drug was patented in 1927 and approved by the FDA in 1972. Now they tell us it doesn't work? Thanks for the protection, FDA. So ... about this COVID vaccine ...?

More Election Tampering
A judge in Georgia has cut off Trump's election tampering trial from the others which was set to begin in October, so now they'll move Trump's trial ... closer to the campaign trail. You know ... to further tamper with the election.

The A-Bee-C's of Satire
Because of the uproar over suspending the 2nd Amendment in New Mexico, the governor has suspended the 1st Amendment to silence criticism. Well ... it could happen. In California, a new law dictates that if your kid identifies as Optimus Prime, you have to put tires on him and let him run down the 405 freeway. Thank you, California. In politics, Democrats are saying that this whole Biden impeachment thing is a ploy to get around the Dems' rigged election system. Conniving Republicans. Finally, in a story way too close to the truth to be taken as mere satire, Democrats are complaining that illegal immigrants are destroying their sanctuary cities.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. The governor even admitted that the law won't have any practical effect, but it will "send a message".

    When I heard that man say he wanted a uterus simply to have an abortion, I knew I was looking at pure evil. It's bad enough we are using murder as birth control, but that is premeditated murder if I ever heard it.

    You mean drug companies are able to persuade the government to approve useless drugs just so they can make more money?

    Ever since the first indictment came down months ago, not just for the election stuff, I knew their goal wasn't to convict the man, but simply to interfere with his ability to campaign. Get these trials on the books now so they'll be running next year. What they didn't count on, I think, was the blind loyalty people have for Trump and will vote for him campaign or no.

    The last Bee story definitely isn't satire. The mayor of New York City is warning that all those immigrants will destroy their city, and Massachusetts is mobilizing their Guard to deal with their crisis.

  2. I must say that the article featured in your second entry was absolutely revolting. It is heart-wrenching to consider such an evil mind and black heart. May God rescue this pathetic, lost man from Satan’s clutches. The only saving grace is that this man’s evil plot will not come to pass, due to the biological impossibility he is describing. Without even allowing myself to think through his “trans gay sex” escapades, I am struck yet again by the truly ludicrous nature of the whole trans movement.

  3. Unfortunately, with advancing technologies and degrading morality, that is becoming a possibility. Doctors have already been successful in doing uteral transplants in women. With the medical community caving to the trans ideology and already performing mutilations giving men holes and women phallices, we are getting closer to the madness and evil of men aborting babies in the future.

  4. I recently read that, so far, uterine transplants for women have been successful, but no one has been able to successfully perform one on a biological male. They absolutely cannot transplant fallopian tubes, so currently even if they did get a uterus in there, it would be nonfunctional. I get it. They keep doing more and more. But it is not on the horizon right now.

  5. They might not be able to get pregnant through intercourse, doesn't mean they can't use IVF. And there are doctors sick and greedy enough to do it. I even heard one guy said he'd want a uterus just to carry for a while before it got rejected and then incubate. There are some sickos out there.

  6. Another Gun Casualty

    But the gun debate IS a debate about common sense!

    Well, If That Don't Beat All

    In a sane society rife with wealth to burn, I can understand a desire to attempt to do what has no real benefit to society other than learning how to do to speak. But there's so much in our culture and society which cries out for funding and time expenditures to resolve real issues of import. Getting a freak to able to get pregnant despite being a male is not among them, even in the best of times.

    Late to the Show

    The real question is "how long have they known it was worthless?" At the risk of seeming to defend the FDA, what seems at one point to be true scientifically can later, with advances in the field, be found to be false. It's not always clear to us not continually monitoring all the info available to know when they're playing games or just not scientifically sound due to the state of science at the time. It's the former which provokes concern, with the latter being acknowledged as the nature of the beast.

    More Election Tampering

    My new question for Trump-haters is which of the four billion charges he faces have any chance of being true. Actually, that question can be addressed by supporters with a far better grasp of the legal nuances than mine...which is tenuous. Many believe the number of charges against him are to ensure he's found guilty of something...anything...which would deny him, and us, the chance for him to have another four years in office. But some believe he'll likely be found guilty of one or more them. Which would those be and why? I think it's all...a word you wouldn't want me to use here.

    The A-Bee-C's of Satire

    With the Babylon Bee, ALL stories are too close to the truth to be taken merely as satire. That's what makes them so good.

  7. Doug said ...

    Too bad us Christians don't have that same kind of "going to absolutely any lengths" conviction to make known the good news about Jesus' love and sacrifice as your transgender activist is willing to go to push HIS false narrative and beliefs. God help us.

  8. On the FDA, Glenn, I understand that they may find later that they were wrong, but it still begs the question of their reliability ... especially in the face of so much evidence that the COVID vaccine was harmful, even fatal to so many and often nearly useless to everyone.

  9. I didn't comment about anything.

  10. Oops, you're right. That was to Art.

  11. Stan,

    Probably not a good idea to put too much faith in anyone, the least of whom is a government entity like the FDA. But at the same time, we need distinguish between wrongdoing and simply being wrong. The first requires a presumption of innocence until proven guilty just like anyone else. I would suggest a different level of accountability...that is, punishment/restitution... depending on which is the cause of harm. In any case, I'm not a huge fan of the FDA.


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