Saturday, August 19, 2023

News Weekly - 8/19/23

Strange Inclusivity
The pope told the World Youth Day crowd that LGBT folk are welcome in the Catholic church. He included, however, that, while "gay" is not -- should not be -- a criminal act, it is still a sin. And the crowd went wild. "If it's still a sin, we're not welcome here." I disagree with the pope on a lot of things, but, come on, people, is that really how you want to play this? "If you don't fully embrace and support me and my ideas, then you are excluding me." Really? Because I'm fairly certain that by that standard no one is included anywhere because everyone has ideas and values that others disagree with. It's like saying, "If you don't let your kids play with matches, you aren't being inclusive." No, you're being a loving parent seeking their best ... and that is inclusive.

Unclear on the Concept
This may be a revolutionary thought to some, but it appears that the desert is hot in the summer. No, I'm not kidding! It seems that Arizona Governor Hobbs wasn't aware of that. She has issued a "heat state of emergency" for Arizona ... a day after saying it wasn't necessary ... and weeks after the record-breaking 110° run of days abated. Dear Governor Hobbs, yes, we are in the desert, and, yes, it gets hot in the desert. If this constitutes a "heat state of emergency," then you simply need to make that the normal declaration every summer. (And now maybe you understand a little better how Hobbs is 3rd from last in approval rating.)

Guilty and More Guilty
Trump has his 4th indictment now. He believed that the election was rigged, so he sought to address that, which makes him a criminal. Interestingly there's hardly a person in the country that believes that Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Which only goes to show that American justice is a dying notion in America. Most troubling is the weaponization of the judicial system for political purposes. Deny it if you want, but it's not really hard to see.

About Time
Well, someone had to do it. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has issued subpoenas to the FBI and the DOJ to look into the collusion between Big Tech, the FBI, the DOJ, and, of course, their Democrat overlords in silencing unpopular speech. Now, I have little confidence in government to either do the right thing or to have the right thing be allowed to be done, so I'm not particularly optimistic, but, still, it's about time.

Waiting for the Other Shoe
A teacher in Georgia was fired for reading a children's book on "gender fluidity" to her 5th grade class against policy. The question isn't about gender fluidity. The question is about whether an individual teacher can decide to teach whatever he or she wishes without regard to school cirriculum, policies, or parental concerns. This was a "No." I don't expect that to last. Parents are becoming obsolete in our country today.

Pony Up No Longer
Addressing an egregious problem that has been eons in existence, Paris is banning pony rides for children. Activists argued that the animals weren't treated well, but "Treat those animals better" wasn't sufficient, so, apparently children are too much for the ponies to bear. I'm sure the unemployed ponies are heaving a sigh of relief. I would guess that some meat factories are interested as well.

What Do You Want To Bee?
In a less-than-funny entry from the Bee we read where a mom remembers a simpler time when she didn't have to evaluate which of her children's teachers would secretly try to gender transition her child. California has achieved the impossible by reaching a zero crime rate ... by legalizing all crime. Genius! A new study found spikes in global warming that appear to occur every year between June and September. Science is baffled. Finally, a new Christian dating app simply has a screen that says "Go to church and meet a godly spouse. Too obvious?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Regarding the Bee’s dating advice to “Go to church and meet a godly spouse,” I wish they had said “meet a godly POTENTIAL spouse.” Otherwise, their advice could cause a few wrecked marriages, no? ;)

  2. And that's the problem with accepting the sexual category of "being" gay. People are identifying themselves as their sin, so of course their going to assume calling it sin is rejecting them, because they ARE their sin.

  3. I think "meet a godly spouse" would include all the steps needed to being a spouse. It feels like adding "potential" dampens the humor of it.

  4. As I look at what the pope said, my first reaction is that The Church should always be a place for sinners. A place where sinners will hear the Gospel and find forgiveness and new life in Christ. If that's the message, then I see no problem with it. If the message is that certain sinners will be welcome in the RCC and that they will not be expected to repent of their sin and believe in Christ, then I definitely see the problem. I tend to think that the latter is probably the message being sent, hence your mention of it here.

  5. Actually, Craig, the message the pope sent was precisely your first message -- "sinners welcome here." I put it in there because of the response. "How can we be welcome if you aren't embracing our sin?"

  6. Given the state of the RCC I could easily see the welcoming going either way. It makes sense for them to respond like that, as they believe that their actions are virtue instead of sin.

    I just saw a tweet advocating Cardinal Robert Sarah for the next pope. I don't really have a dog in that hunt, but Cardinal Sarah would seem to be a much better pope than those in recent memory.

  7. Just to clarify for David, who I think missed my point of humor: I was (tongue-in-cheek) advocating—as a safety precaution—for clearer wording such as “Go to church and meet a godly spouse...but make sure the spouse you meet is not already taken!” When I first read “Go to church and meet a godly spouse,” my immediate thought was, “And then what—steal them away for yourself?” Thus my remark (again, tongue-in-cheek) about possible wrecked marriages should singles take the Bee’s dating advice literally. Yes, “Go to church and meet a godly spouse” was humorous (and obvious, as Stan pointed out), but I wanted to add this caveat: “But not MY godly spouse, if you please!”


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