Saturday, August 05, 2023

News Weakly - 8/5/23

No News is ... No News
Canada's women's national soccer team is allowing a transgender to compete in the Women's World Cup. Except "transgender" itself has devolved in meaning. Quinn is a biological female who identifies as "nonbinary" and is, therefore, "transgender" ... except she's still a woman and the only news here is the convoluted thinking people are going through these days.

Trump has been indicted a third time, this time for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The scheme includes "fake electors" and "deceiving supporters." (Do they actually think that Trump did not believe the election was illegally stolen?) A high-ranking Justice Department official is named as a co-conspirator. Oddly, none of the lists of those accused of working against Trump in the 2020 election inside of the FBI and other government agencies are facing any questions for the same sort of thing. I don't think there's any question that the aim of this indictment (and, likely, the others) is simply to get him off the election market. It would be unreasonable to expect 1) a fair and impartial judgment or 2) a quick resolution. I think this is more of an indictment of the opposition for playing dirty pool.

Four Fingers Pointing Back
Fitch downgraded the U.S. credit rating, and the White House was quick to blame it on the Republicans. After all, it was their policies that allowed for a lackluster recovery from an historic pandemic and their policies that brought on the biggest inflation we've seen in 50 years (and while the media keeps reporting that inflation is down, the Fed isn't impressed) and their policies that caused U.S. weekly jobless claims to go up this month, right? Oh, yeah, no. That wasn't them.

Assault Weapons Ban
In South Korea a man drove his car onto a sidewalk, then got out and started stabbing people. Thirteen people were injured by the car and the knifing. Seoul is seeking to ban cars and knives as assault weapons. Oh, no?

Postpartum Abortion is Still Not Legal?
A mother who dumped her newborn baby into the ocean five years ago was sentenced to 14 years in prison for manslaughter. Apparently it was just bad timing. She said she didn't know she was pregnant until she gave birth and dropped the baby in the water the next day. Apparently "mother doesn't want the baby" does not define "not human"? It's some magical birth canal transition?

Things That Come to Bee
With Trump's third indictment, the Dems are assuring us that no one is above the law ... that they selectively enforce. After Neil deGrasse Tyson declared gender is a spectrum -- that science is insufficient to explain genders -- the Bee reported that a pretend scientist announced belief in pretend genders. And the Bee offers a helpful article on how to tell if you're in a nursing home or the U.S. Senate chamber. Thanks, Bee.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I've been hearing pundits say Trump could win from prison and just pardon himself.

    That is the problem with every single one of the definitions of when someone is human on the pro-abortion side. They can apply to people at every stage of life, and this make murdering someone okay because "they're not human".

  2. No News is ... No News if we didn't already know lefty-world, words mean whatever the lefty needs the word to mean at any given point in time for the advantage of the lefty in question.


    I think they actually want to see him die in prison. To get him out of politics is secondary at this point. It's TDS to the extreme. The Dems wouldn't truly be Third-World-Wannabe's if they didn't want him dead.

    As to David's point, I'm not sure he can take office if he's convicted of a felony first. But I still think it would be cool if it got that far and he won the election anyway. Yet somehow, I doubt it would change a thing about how the Dems operate and who they put up for electoral consideration.

    Assault Weapons Ban

    No doubt, like firearms, this car and knife were responsible, not the guy wielding them.

    Postpartum Abortion is Still Not Legal?

    One of life's great mysteries.

    Four Fingers Pointing Back

    Leftist projection? I'm shocked.

  3. There is a small but vocal faction of the pro abortion movement which acknowledges that they support post birth abortion. The crux of the entire abortion movement hinges on defining person-hood in such a way that it can be applied subjectively to humans at different stages of life in order to deprive others of their lives.

  4. Indeed, but apparently it's not "I can end this baby's life because I don't want it."

  5. Stan,

    Obviously, that's the current trend. To push for abortion for any reason, at any time up to birth. I think the bigger agenda is to push the personhood definition to the point where they can advocate for thee death of any unwanted human by denying that they are a person.


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