Saturday, August 26, 2023

News Weakly - 8/26/23

Cry Wolf
The story is that "serious COVID cases" are "on the rise." Really? The story actually says, "They've seen a slight uptick." Still, they're considering restarting mask mandates? So, maybe I'm just a skeptic, or maybe I'm gun-shy, but just last week I read that authorities "are recommending" a new round of COVID and RSV vaccinations. This story, then, sounds like a scare tactic to get people to comply. Especially considering the apparent ineffectiveness of the first vaccinations that allowed recipients to still get the virus, spread the virus, and even die from the virus (if not the vaccine itself). Is it just me, or does this sound like Big Pharma crying wolf?

Values Clarification
A man left kittens in closed plastic bins outside a veterinary clinic and he's facing charges. Killing babies is a right women fight for, but killing kittens is a criminal offense. We get it. Kittens: Yes. Babies: Not so much.

A 28-year-old woman randomly shoved an 87-year-old Broadway singing coach onto a Manhattan sidewalk. The coach died five days later and the young woman is now facing 8 years for manslaughter. We (rightly) deplore gun violence, but does anyone notice this odd rise in mindless violence, even in women? Like the scooter thieves who killed the father. Mindless. It's not guns; it's the increase in violent people that disturbs me.

There was a Republican presidential debate this week. Oh, and Trump surrendered. The end.

Apology for Science
Carlos Santana felt the need to apologize for what was characterized as an "anti-trans speech" in a concert. What did he say? People are born male or female. "A woman is a woman and a man is a man." The jerk. The creep. The scientifically accurate musician. The fact that he followed it with "Whatever you wanna do in the closet, that's your business. I'm okay with that" doesn't help at all. Whatever you do, don't transgress the trans community. It's not safe. It's scientifically sound, but not safe. Transphobic science.

Golgotha Gang?
An Idaho school district has implemented a dress code that is aimed at "gang-related attire," and the ACLU is upset. It violates Latino's "freedom of expression" among other things. At first look I think, "You ACLU folk will grasp at anything," but then I read that it includes things like "Catholic rosaries." And all of the sudden it makes sense. Those dastardly Catholic gangs are roaming the schools looking for victims. Sorry. Makes no sense at all. From any angle.

Too Funny 2 Bee True
Classic. The headline: "California Drought Undeniable Evidence Of Climate Change - UPDATE: California Rain Undeniable Evidence Of Climate Change." The Bee mocks it and others simply embrace it. Of course, in the wake of Hurrican Hilary, they had to go with the story for fun, pointing out the name, like "Deaths caused by Hurricane Hilary will be labeled as suicides" and "Hilary makes landfall, destroying over 30,000 emails" -- or taunting California, like "Californians hoping Hilary will wash all the poop off the sidewalks" followed by "California's homeless begin the hard work of re-pooping the sidewalks" (which was sort of a disingenuous story after their "Check out these devastating pictures of Hilary's aftermath" story, I have to say). (And in the interest of fairness, some desert communities saw some serious damage.) Still, some funny stuff.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Mindless- I never thought I'd hear the phrase "fatal shoving". The Left decries this mental health epidemic, but fail to realize it's not a mental health problem, it's a sin problem. Why are we seeing such a climb in mental disorders? Could it be because as a culture we've jettisoned God and the value of humans and community in favor of self-fulfillment and my truth?

    Golgatha Gang- if they can indict Trump and his lawyers in RICO charges, then they can label anything their opposed to however they want. I recently heard a woman claim that if you don't wear a mask as these mandates start coming down, you're a white supremacist. Or, you are pro-life and male, you don't have a say, but if you're pro-abortion and male, you're ap ok applauded as an ally.


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