Saturday, July 01, 2023

News Weakly - 7/1/23

COVID Casualty
Math scores among America's 13-year-olds have plunged by their largest margin ever as a result of learning loss from COVID prevention. The nation is recovering from the pandemic, but not from the efforts to control it.

Stating the Obvious
"A 2-year-old boy," the story begins, "accidentally shot his pregnant mother, killing her and her unborn child." An unfortunate accident, to be sure, and a sad event, but even the casual media can recognize that the "unborn" is a "child." It's just an inconvenient truth.

Hidden Agenda
U.S. Special Counsel has asked the judge to delay the start of Trump's trial until December. That way they can play it closer to the election time and disrupt the Republican presidential campaigns. Oh, wait ... that's not what he said. But we're not very familiar with honest lawyers ... or politicians.

Not the Message
The media has been piling on about how the nation is opposed to abortion restrictions. Turns out the media has not been completely honest. On the anniversary of the Supreme Court's overturn of Roe v. Wade, there were abortion rights opponents on hand with supporters -- dueling rallies. And pro-abortion organizations are saying that financial support is dropping, too. Clearly not all of America is a pro-death culture.

Cry Wolf
We were taught Aesop's story about a boy who cried wolf too often and got eaten for his troubles. Trump is now dismissing leaked audio of him related to classified documents as "just another hoax." You see, here's the problem. If he hadn't said that about so many things for so long and been proven wrong so many times, one might be tempted to ask, "Is he right?" It's hard to imagine anymore.

Consistently Inconsistent
In New York City, they've decided to ban pizza. No, not really. But in the name of climate change, they are clamping down on wood- or coal-fired pizza ovens. Fix 'em or replace 'em. They are not banning wood- or charcoal-fired barbecues or other fire sources (fireplaces, beach fire pits, etc.), because, well, people would be peeved, and we can't have that. Meanwhile California has one-upped New York City by requiring that all pizza be cooked with the sun and a magnifying glass.

Fake News
The media is reporting that $200 billion of COVID relief was stolen by fraud. We, of course, know that's a false report. It was nowhere near that small of an amount.

Bee Brief
A pedophile jailed for flashing kids is kicking himself for not doing it at a Pride parade instead. But NASA has committed to going to the Moon in order to plant a Pride flag.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I wonder if those falling math scores shift depending on which state, since not all locked down for the same amount.

    I actually heard Bill Maher say that he agrees abortion is murder, it's just murder that he's okay with.

    I've been assuming stalling Trump was the plan with all of these lawsuits. I mean, you have prosecutors taking up charges now that they felt were unwinnable back when they were first committed. Why else would an attorney take on a case they believed they couldn't win? Knowing how slow the litigation process can be, especially for rich people and blue collar crimes, I just assumed these were stalling tactics.

    What, like the news media should just give unbiased information and let us do with that information what we please?

    Trump has done some pretty brazen things, but it does sound a little suspicious finding audio of him saying exactly the thing he's being accused of doing. With deep fakes and advancing AI, anything short of eyewitness testimony is going to be even less reliable than eyewitness testimony.

    I saw a video of a New Yorker giving a Boston Tea Party style protest with pizza.

    What, people would make things up for free money?

  2. COVID Casualty

    It's amazing to me that it took Covid to bring attention to the falling test scores, which as the article states, was already a problem before Covid. Our education system is truly "broken" so many like to say about so much which isn't really...and until that obvious problem isn't addressed (such as by an all-out assault on teacher unions as they exist today), and until parents and their kids decide to take education seriously, things will only get worse.

    Stating the Obvious

    There must have been some indication the woman wanted the being growing within her, otherwise they wouldn't have referred to it as a child. Because as you know, it's the pregnant woman who determines whether it's a child or not. That's how it works, you see. Women have that power and authority. Too bad for all the kids for whom their "mothers" didn't regard them as more than an inconvenience.

    Hidden Agenda

    Oh, I don't think it's hidden at all! It's been quite obvious the point is to interfere with the election and Trump's ability to win it. It's not like he's ever actually been found of any wrongdoing in the past. No reason to suspect he did anything wrong now.

    Not the Message

    How dare you accuse the media of dishonesty!!! They're angels from heaven sent by God!!! They're as pure as the driven snow!!! (That's what they believe in certain parts of Louisville)

    Cry Wolf

    Help me out here...when in the past has Trump referred to an attack by lefties as a hoax only to find it wasn't, and how many times? I can't think of any examples. Please provide links in support. This is a sincere request.

    Consistently Inconsistent

    This is what comes from voting Democrat.

    Fake News

    Yeah...I'm pretty sure I've heard of far larger amounts ripped off.

  3. David,

    I'd take pride in knowing scores in my state weren't as bad, but this is usually reported as a national issue and I think that's how the focus of the problem should be.

    Even PP initially admitted to what abortion truly is back in their beginning. It was pro-aborts pretending it was something else to having the truth affect policy and legislation which clouded the issue.

    I haven't heard much of the tape in question which convinces me he's guilty of any wrongdoing, regardless of how this unpolished guy referred to any documents.

  4. He openly admitted he was revealing classified documents to people that presumedly didn't have the clearance. If they weren't classified, he wouldn't have needed to add that he could have had them declassified if he'd already done so. I don't question it because it is something I believe he'd have done because he's got the ego to do it. I question it because he's outright saying exactly what they're accusing him of almost verbatim. It seems too coincidental for it to show up now exactly when it's needed, and want brought up sooner, you know, before he declared his intentions.

  5. But as he has plenary power over such things, he can refer to them with any terms he chooses (or doesn't consciously choose) and no wrongdoing is being committed, unless one can prove he was selling secrets or some such thing. So long as he has ultimate authority over classified docs, there is no wrong he can commit by showing them to whomever he chooses. He has that power. This is what Trump haters intentionally overlook or of which they are totally ignorant. This matter has been decided in Supreme Court decisions already, but the Trump-haters don't care, because they will use whatever crud they can scrape from the barrel to get him indicted for something...ANYTHING...and it doesn't matter how or whether or not there's legit wrongdoing. They'll make it legit somehow.

    And I feel compelled to add that I don't continue with these defenses out of some absolute allegiance to Trump himself, but because the irrational, unjustified and detrimental hatred so many have for this man. As just a regular guy with tons of money, he's likely to do or say something stupid out of ignorance. I'll take that over the many, many instances of politicians and government bureaucrat doing wrong with intent or when they should know better because they're "fit" for the job in ways too many pretend Trump isn't. The fact remains that Trump's time in office was far more beneficial to the nation than any president in a long time and that should a sane world...resulted in his re-election in 2020. Anyone who disputes this is a liar or ignorant of the facts.

  6. Stan,

    I think that your point about Trump crying wolf is excellent. People are imperfect, make mistakes, and do stupid things all the time. To constantly try to pretend that one hasn't is absurd.

    The toll that the COVID response took on our kids both educationally and socially is going to end up being much worse than we thought. It might not be as critical if education wasn't already so bad.

  7. You see Marshal, I struggle to believe that you don't have some absolute allegiance to Trump because the way you talk about him, he can do no wrong. I have heard some Trump supporters say that he could murder someone in cold blood at the White House and they'd still vote for him. You come across like that. You seem to be one who would vote for Trump even if he was in prison. That's how you come across in all your defenses of Trump. You accuse us of not acknowledging the good he did. But you don't seem to be able to do the reverse.


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