Friday, June 16, 2023

Unequal Representation

I did a search through a standard news feed. I counted the number of stories I found and how many were on the topic of LGBTlmnop in general or transgender in particular. Easily 10% of the news was on these topics. It seems odd since a generous study would say that the group (LGBT) constitutes less than 5% of the population. "Equal representation" is the term that is bandied about, and it doesn't seem like they're getting "equal representation." Now, you can argue, "Well, they're just much bigger news" for some reason. Perhaps, but if you argue that "More black people go to jail for committing crimes than others because they commit more crimes," you'd be dragged out and lynched. Explaining or making excuses for unequal representation doesn't make it right, apparently. Pointing out, for instance, that while more than 14% of Americans are black, but more than 75% of professional basketball players are black, is unacceptable. "No! That's not unequal representation!" Well, yes, it is.

How is it that one is and the other is not? Or, perhaps a better question, why is it right in one application and wrong in another? Obviously, it's right if it meets your agenda, if it's what you want to see. And that is almost never "equal representation." The question is always, "Is it accomplishing what I want accomplished?" So, is the unequal representation of LGBT issues in the media getting the public to complain and agree that LGBT is "normal" and, in fact, "valued"? Then bring it on. The goal is not to "live and let live." They want to silence Christians who point to Scripture and say, "The Bible says that's wrong." "Hate!" they yell. If I say, "Science is clear that there are only two sexes," I'll be met with loud rejoinders. Mind you, I'm not asking them to agree. I'm not moving legal boundaries, pushing laws, or tormenting anyone. But if a teacher has a "Pride" flag in the classroom, they are applauded, yet if they have a Christian flag in the classroom, they are fired.

Equal representation is not the aim. Any fool can see that. It's a nice sounding term, but it's not practical, not useful, and not of any real interest to anyone. It should be deleted from the "Social Justice" platforms. It won't be, but, like the ACLU that won't fight for the civil rights of Christians, Social Justice Warriors will pick terms and fights they want and not necessarily "equality" issues. It's just not on the agenda. Neither is truth.

1 comment:

  1. The largest arsenal of liberalism is redefining terms.


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