Saturday, June 03, 2023

News Weakly - 6/3/23

Unnatural Child Birth
A gay celebrity and his gay partner by "same-sex mirage" have announced their second child via surrogate. This whole infertility problem among same-sex couples is baffling and it is so heartwarming that these guys could find a solution ... via God's design for procreation. Go figure.

The Real Message
A brave (or foolhardy) Dodger player, Clayton Kershaw, disagreed with the Dodgers' decision to reinstate the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." He said his complaint wasn't against any of the alphabet folk, but against the blatant anti-Christian intent and message. The Dodgers originally canceled their appearance when some complained, but the LGB ... oh, no, not again ... community protested, assuring us all that their intent is to mock the Christian religion and not simply about "sexual orientation." We'll see how long Mr. Kershaw will remain.

Agenda? What Agenda?
A video is making the rounds of an obviously male employee wearing a dress presenting himself as "one of the fairly godmother's apprentices" at Disneyland. Tell me there's no message here ... for little boys and for little girls. The aim is a new normal, "and we'll decide for you what that will be." It is certainly a new Disney. And how many females could have done that job and better? Why is there no female outrage?

Scientifically Established
A new study says Earth is "really quite sick now" based on 7 of 8 "scientifically established" safety limits. Why? Well, as it turns out, some of these new "scientifically established" safety limits include "justice" like harm to ethnicities and genders. Now, we don't have "scientifically established" justice and we can't figure out "scientifically established" genders, so, while there are likely areas of concern, it really makes me question the whole story.

Another Woman Silenced
The woman who accused Biden of sexual assault and was promptly ignored by the media because "the woman is always right" only when it's not a Democrat being charged has fled to Russia because she didn't feel safe here. Understandable, but really sad.

A Wonder to Beehold
There is a new productivity app for iPhone and Android. It works by shutting your phone off for hours. Really makes sense. The Bee reviewed the Little Mermaid remake. "Just like classic Disney," they said, "but bad." And Trump was quoted as saying, "Florida is a mismanaged hellhole and only an idiot would live there." Look, he got one right!

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if they paid for the IVF or just did it the old fashioned way with the surrogate. At least there will be one less person getting another child by surrogate, the latest Kardashian has expressed regret for using one, making her son a commodity, just like these two sin sick men.

    There was a Blue Jays player that posted his support of the Bud Light and Target boycotts based on biblical principal who says later had to give a groveling apology to our sexual overlords. I can't imagine Kershaw lasting long either. If he doesn't back down, brave, if he does foolhardy and a coward.

    Umm, how is justice scientifically based? Can you weigh, measure, sample justice? What would you use for your control? I guess that's got to be our new strategy, just make up a scientific study that confirms God, Jesus, and the Bible.


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