Thursday, June 08, 2023


Interesting phenomenon. We Christians know that we are supposed to be "in the world but not of it." We're supposed to be different. We're supposed to be known for godliness and goodness and not sin. But I've observed an interesting thing among believers. When we want to be godly, we like to be with fellow believers. When we want to be sinful, we prefer to be with sinners. Now, on the surface that is perfectly logical, but you can see, I would hope, the serious contradiction therein.

When we want to be godly, we'll hang out with believers. We'll demonstrate godliness to them. We'll talk about Christ and we'll pray and we'll talk about godly things. Talking with them about problems with godliness is not an option. We won't discuss problems with sins or spiritual doubts or the like. No, we'll be godly people with them. When we want to be sinful, we'll go where that sinfulness is acceptable. We go to people who don't mind the sin we're committing. We'll be in places that no one minds, where maybe they'll even applaud our sin. But this is all turned around. On the side where we won't discuss our problems with sin with other believers, we're supposed to find Christians who are bearing one anothers burdens, who are loving and always seeking our best. We're supposed to find support, encouragement, direction. Do we? On the side where we're sinning, going to sinners is precisely the wrong place to go. We sully the name of Jesus, damage our own testimony, and tell them, "You're right; there is no observable difference between believers and unbelievers." Instead, we push them farther from Christ and eliminate the possibility of sharing the gospel. Rather than leading them to Jesus, we lead them away.

All of us sin. We can't avoid it; it's a reality until we die. Denying it to believers simply cuts us off from the support we could gain from fellow believers. Displaying it to unbelievers simply confirms that we're hypocrites like they always thought we were. And that's not helpful to us or to them. Christians are supposed to be the light. We are sinners, but indulging sin and denying it is hypocrisy. We have to be better than that.

1 comment:

  1. By this they will know that you are my sheep, that you have love for the brethren. We seem to too often let our piety cloud our humility.


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