Saturday, May 06, 2023

News Weakly - 5/6/22

Economics 101
This story was baffling to me. Many states recently modified their minimum wage levels because of the outcry for a "living wage" (which raises the cost of living which raises the level of the living wage which ...). So of course workers received "solid pay raises" this year. How is this news? It was mandatory. The fed has raised rates again and is some are expecting it to continue because of these things. Beyond that, "The trend," the story says, "could help accelerate inflation if companies raise their prices to cover their higher labor costs." May I just say, "Duh!"

Is the Pope Catholic?
I was talking to a Catholic friend about Scripture. He told me laughingly, "I'm a Catholic. They don't let us read the Bible." Apparently it's not just the laity. The pope has decided to include women in the church's top deliberative body. He has even mandated that each delegation include 5 women. Apparently the pope hasn't read 1 Tim 2:12-15, 1 Tim 3:2, or Titus 1:6. Which begs the question: is the pope Catholic?

BIIDing Your Time
JSTOR Daily is a magazine that publishes scholarly articles. Back in 2019, they published one on people with able bodies who feel as if they're meant to have disabilities. It's up again. It used to be called "BIID" -- Body Integrity Identity Disorder -- but now they're calling it "transabled" so someone who identifies as disabled can legally and ethically become disabled with "transabled-affirming care." As long as it's prefaced with "I identify," you have to embrace and support it and anything else is hate. Are we really going to fall for this again? How can we not when we've so gullibly choked down "transgender"?

Another Pandemic
The Surgeon General has declared a new epidemic -- loneliness. Now, I don't mean to diminish the problem -- it is real -- but how much of today's loneliness is worsened by social media and the past 3 years of COVID measures? He says it can be as deadly as smoking. So get ready for new isolation procedures, don your masks, and prepare to ... cultivate loneliness.

New State Motto?
Keeping consistent with the "We don't value human life" theme, Vermont will now allow non-residents to come to Vermont to die. I see a new motto. "Visit Vermont ... to die." I see a whole new tourism service sector for the state.

Now That is "Gender Assigned"
There is a report out that North Carolina universities are giving sex-change treatments to toddlers. "We are working with all kinds of kids, from infants to teens," Duke's Child and Adolescent Gender Care director affirms. Mind you, infants have no concept of gender or gender identity, so it's not "gender-affirming" since gender at that age is irrelevant, and such treatments are irreversible, so look for law suits (or worse) in the future. This isn't a case of "gender-affirming;" this is a case of "gender-assigning." But, we're not concerned about protecting the most vulnerable, so these kids aren't that important, either, right?

What Will Bee Will Be
The Navy has partnered with a drag queen as their "digital ambassador" (actual story) prompting the Babylon Bee to suggest that the Navy now seems somehow gayer. Stories have come out about an assassination attempt on Putin for which he has retaliated by misgendering Admiral Levine. And did you see that Biden is deploying 1,500 troops to the southern border, ostensibly to register new voters?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I've always been confused by the argument that minimum wage needs to be doubled or more. The reason people are working for that wage level is the level of proficiency is so low and the cost for production too. If you increase the cost of labor, where are those businesses going to the money to pay more than twice what they are now? And I imagine that the majority of people that frequent businesses that pay minimum wage are the same people working closer to minimum wage. I also know that if I'm making $20/hr, and minimum wage goes to 15, now I'm not making as good a wage as before. I'm not opposed to increasing minimum wage slowly over time, but if you are trying to live off minimum wage, you need to be rethinking your life choices. Minimum wage jobs are for people that are dependant on others, not for a living wage.

  2. David,

    I completely agree. Minimum wage is literally meant as the absolute starting point for people to work a low skilled job, for a low wage. The intent is that as people gain experience and skill, their wages should rise with their skills.


    It's interesting that we keep seeing more and more data that indicates that rushing children into irreversible medical procedures is not the panacea that the pro trans people think it will be. The fact that we keep seeing country after country backing away from the free for all that the pro trans folx want in the US, should tell us something, but I guess that they only look to Europe when it benefits their cause.


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