Saturday, May 27, 2023

News Weakly - 5/27/23

From the Land of the Easily Offended
Florida's Zoo Miami has apologized for the treatment of a kiwi "that offended a nation." It seems that New Zealand as a country is outraged that anyone would allow people to pet a kiwi, their national bird. Aborting babies in New Zealand is very liberal and, oh, free to anyone who wants to, but God help you if you want to pet a kiwi. It's what we call "values clarification."

News to Mull
I have to be honest. I don't exactly know what to do with the story that Ron DeSantis is going to run for president. On one hand, he'd be an excellent alternative to Trump and, well, anyone the Dems could offer, but on the other hand he'll be running against the "forever Trumpers" as well as the Dems and the media who has made it their practice to oppose him at every turn. Oh, and, of course, every American that gets his thinking points from the liberal media. Not sure what to think.

From Whence Comes Rights?
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is asking the court to suspend the court mandated "right to shelter" placed on New Yor in 1981. Now, I understand. More than 70,000 asylum seekers have rushed to the city in the last year. But are rights rights, or are they only rights if the government says they are and removed when they don't? This is what you get when you drop a Creator who endows rights. The Babylon Bee points out that the "sanctuary city" is now bummed that they actually have to provide sanctuary. They're working on remedying that.

Conspiracy Stuff and Nonsense
Special Counsel John Durham has released his final report. It "failed to produce any major convictions," I suspect, because those who would have faced conviction currently own the Justice department. The report says the FBI interfered with the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns, lied under oath, and misled Congress. They helped bury the Hunter Biden laptop story and lied about the Russian disinformation. They claim they did it under orders of Biden's Justice appointee, Merrick Garland. But, hey, it's all conspiracy stuff and nonsense, right? Until it's not.

Sweeping it Under the Rug
George Washington University is changing its moniker from "Colonials" to "Revolutionaries" because revolution is so much better than colonies. At the same time, the history department is dropping that old "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" motto. Ought to be a good thing.

From This Week and Beeyond
You all heard that DeSantis's Twitter launch of his presidential campaign crashed Twitter, I suppose. Biden was not impressed. "Anyone can crash Twitter," he said, "but it takes a real leader to crash a nation's economy." And you heard that Target stores hit the news this week by pulling LGBTQ+ merchandise after employees were threatened. The LGB ... I'm not typing that again ... crowd are outraged and believes all Target employees should be targeted. (Get it?) They're calling for a boycott. Husbands are praying that Hobby Lobby does something like that, too, so their wives would boycott that place, too. Tricia Sloan started to, but called it off after her first visit to Walmart. "Target spokesperson Glenn Dennis expressed appreciation for Mrs. Sloan's reversal, saying, 'We at Target are always grateful for the chance to serve our customers and meet their need for a place where they can shop for quality, stylish, queer, Satanic apparel at a reasonable price without being surrounded by a bunch of gross, fat, poor people'."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Because of course animals have more rights than humans. It only makes sense that the lizard overlords would value animals over humans.

    DeSantis is in for a hard fight. Unfortunately, if he wins the primary, that means more votes for Biden from the "forever Trumpers". They were out protesting him and calling him a traitor because their Fearless Leader called him a traitor.

    It's sad how they're so dead set that physical colonialism is an horrific evil, but are all in favor of cultural colonialism.


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