Saturday, May 20, 2023

News Weakly - 5/20/23

Values Clarification
They say you can always tell what someone truly believes by what they do. So New York City is evicting homeless veterans to make room to house migrants. Because homeless veterans are not worth as much as immigrants entering the country outside of the legal process. Thanks, New York. Message received.
Update: You will all be relieved to learn that this story is in question. It appears to be fabricated. We bought it so easily because a general perception of the governing bodies of New York as not pro-veterans. And it goes to highlight the danger of excessive reaction to news items, like our cancel culture is so prone to do.

North Carolina's legislature banned abortions after 12 weeks. The governor vetoed it. Now the Senate and House both voted to override the veto. "Shame, shame!" came from the floor, with its new GOP supermajority, per the Washington Post. Because, while a significant portion of the GOP still wants babies protected, Dems want them dead at will. We got it.

Saving Lives
So North Carolina (so far) got their 12-week abortion ban, protecting the lives of children who live more than 12 weeks in their mothers' wombs. Now South Carolina is aiming at 6 weeks. Mind you, prior to the overturn of Roe v Wade, almost all states had limits on abortions; 12-14 weeks was typical. But now any limit is classified as an "abortion ban." And, of course, this is America. We won't stand for keeping babies safe. I'm not optimistic about South Carolina's attempt to save more lives.

The Irony is Thick With This One
After starring in a Disney film that focused on accepting people for who they are, Joshua Bassett is now in trouble with fans ... because of who he is. He gave his testimony and attends church and included a mention of his faith in the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and that crossed the line. This from the "tolerant" and "nonjudgmental" crowd?

A Different "Same-Sex" Marriage
Dottie Fideli married herself last weekend. Yes, you read that right. She married herself "in an emotional and symbolic ceremony surrounded by neighbors, friends and family." I'd have to agree with the "symbolic" descriptive. Symbolic of the vacuity of "marriage" in America today. Symbolic of the isolation, where "neighbors, friends and family" didn't see fit to point out the absolute absurdity of a marriage for one. We've redefined marriage ... to mean nothing at all.

Harder to Beelieve Than Not To
Do you think it could be true that Indiana Jones has changed his name to "Land Stolen From Indigenous Peoples Jones"? I guess it would make sense. Elon Musk compared George Soros to fictional villain, Magneto, saying he "hates humanity." (He really did.) Later, Musk apologized ... to Magneto. The character is fictional and conflicted, while Soros, he says, actually is a mega-villain. Sports Illustrated decided on a transgender model for the recent cover of their swimsuit edition and Martha Stewart on another (both are true), so a dad caught his son misbehaving and punished him with his own copy of the latest Sports Illustrated issue. There are concerns about cruel and unusual punishment.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Most news media are so eager to be the first to break a story that they no longer do their due diligence to research their stories. Too often they take the word of one person as facts without looking into other sources. There is a girl who's life has been completely side lined during BLM because of an alleged statement that she still gets threats about even though the investigators found she never said it and it was made up by one person. On top of the lack of diligence is the lack of accountability. How many news outlets now will openly admit their report was inaccurate? If they ever do, too often it is buried to the point of being specifically searched for too even find it.

  2. Per your New York comment, I bought it hook, line and sinker! Sadly, you may have just given them what “they” consider to be a good idea because after all, it is New York and the bottom has not yet been reached despite all the many years of desperate trying.


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