Saturday, May 13, 2023

News Weakly - 5/13/23

In Britain, King Charles III was coronated. Yawn. Next. (I mean, how newsworthy is it when the UK -- a republic, not a monarchy -- has a non-king king coronated?)

Playing the Trump Card
Now, let me just say (though you should already know this); I am not a Trump fan. He is not "my guy." But I'm also not a Trump hater. So when Trump is held liable for sexual abuse and libel, it's no surprise to me. There is the nagging question of whether or not he can get a fair trial in New York, given the state's known hatred for the man, and you have to wonder why it isn't a criminal conviction, and it seems strange that she filed against him just after a Law and Order episode aired that was the very same as her claim, but, hey, it's all conspiracy stuff, right? Right?

We Don't Care What You Think
After the president announced his re-election bid, apparently his approval rating hit its all-time low. Fortunately, modern politics claims no allegiance to truth or reality or the people it ostensibly represents, so it shouldn't make a difference.

Newsworth? The Sequel
It was news, somehow, that Biden was complaining about the GOP because of debt limits. I mean, we all know that Biden has no sense of economics and no concern for the economic state of the country or its people. He's proud that inflation isn't climbing as fast, as if that's a solution. So, of course he wouldn't be happy about those who wish to limit how much the government can increase our debt.

Solutions Without Solutions
As governments -- state and federal -- push for more electric and less fossil fuel lives, Biden's administration is seeking to crack down on power plant emissions. On one hand, it makes sense. I mean, those emissions are fossil-fuel fueled, right? On the other hand, there is currently insufficient sources for "clean energy" (I put that in quotes because even the cleanest energy has some dirt behind it.) to take up the slack. So while, for instance, California seeks to eliminate all fossil-fueled cars pretty darn quick, they lack the infrastructure to actually carry out the plan ... and continue to buy outside electricity from "unapproved" sources. So we need to change our electrical structure, or there will be trouble. But we aren't offered an actual replacement source. What could go wrong?

No Justice; No Peace?
Trump has to pay damages for sexual abuse; these guys get 10 days in jail and a year and a half probation ... for cheating in a fishing tournament. And we consider that "justice"?

Be All You Can Bee
Oddly enough, because the nation is fat, the Air Force is relaxing weight standards ... rather than, you know, maintaining standards ... prompting the Bee to tell about the Air Force saving money on bombs by dropping obese airmen on the enemy. With the end of Title 42, Jill Biden is excited about the arrival of all those breakfast tacos. And the report is out that George Santos has been arrested for federal money laundering, theft, and fraud charges, while 534 other members of Congress are still at large.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. On Trump's sexual assault, it seems odd to me that if he's guilty of sexual assault, why is he only paying money? If it were anyone else, there'd be jail time and if there wasn't, women would be rioting in the streets for the lack of justice. Seems suspicious to me.

  2. I don't know if you remember the OJ trials. He was acquitted of murder ... and then sued in civil court and lost. He had to pay damages in civil court for a murder the criminal court said he didn't commit. Trump has been deemed liable for sexual assault ... but he hasn't been convicted of it in criminal court.

  3. If I remember correctly though, OJs trials we 2 separate trials, one criminal and one civil. Or have we just expedited the process and now both civil and criminal trials are simultaneous?

  4. She never pursued a criminal case. It was 30 years ago and she didn't see fit to pursue it at all until he ran for president. Besides, where's the profit in criminal conviction?

  5. There's such a thing as a civil suit for rape? What kind of nonsense has our justice system come to?

  6. Yes. In fact it's a new and temporary law in New York for ... cases like this. But if there is a civil suit for murder ("wrongful death"), why not rape ("sexual assault")? Oh, and you're right. With the ejection of Christian values, actual justice becomes very hard to come by.

  7. As you mentioned, the statute of limitations, and other things were changed just so this civil suit could go forward. What seems important is that, even given the much lower burden of proof and the hostility towards Trump in NY, they still couldn't find him liable for rape. Which seems significant.


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