Tuesday, April 04, 2023


Back in 2020 a German artist took 99 smartphones, turned them all on, put them in a wagon, and walked down the street with them in tow. The result was a "traffic jam" reported by Google Maps to all its users in the area. Ninety-nine phones moving really slow. It was just a sideshow, of course, a "Google hack," but what really struck me was that Google was tracking 99 phones ... without "permission" or informing the users. That is, Google is able to tell where any phone is at any time including location, speed, and direction.

Now, of course, it shouldn't really surprise us. The capability of tracking millions of phones is impressive, and the intrusion is minor, but it made me think down a different track. That feat wouldn't even be a challenge for God. The Omniscient God knows everything. He knows what was, what is, what will be. He knows what you've done, what you haven't done, and what you will do. He knows all contingencies, but He knows nothing contingently. "Well, this will happen if that happens ..." He knows all the "could haves" and all the "will bes." He knows your every thought. Your location, speed, and direction? Trivial. And He does it without your permission. Well, to be fair, being God, He could not not do it. He's Omniscient.

I have had many occasions that I've wished I could "delete files" in my brain. Remove a memory. Cancel a line of thinking. Block a tendency. And while God promises not to remember my sin, having forgiven it, that doesn't mean He has forgotten my sin ... or He wouldn't be Omniscient, would He? I can't know stuff He doesn't know. That's just nonsense. So if I wish I could delete stuff from my mind, how much more do I wish I could do the same from His. But, He is Omniscient, which means He can't not see or unsee anything. I guess the only remedy is to stop saying, doing, or thinking anything I don't want Him to see. I guess I have my work cut out for me.


  1. Amen. His Omniscience is both wonderful and intimidating.

  2. I think that one of the most important aspects if His omniscience is that He knows the motivation behind our actions. It seems like that changes how we look at sin. It moves the conversation away from merely looking at our actions, or lack of actions, but it includes evaluating our motivations. That would seem to indicate that we can do something "good" from a wrong motive and end up engaging in sin.

  3. Wasn't that the whole point of Jesus's "You heard it said..." statements? Sure, doing things against the Law are sin, but so is planning to do them.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?