Saturday, April 08, 2023

News Weakly - 4/8/23

The Passing of Common Sense
Tennessee figured, "Let's keep adult entertainment in adult venues and not ... oh, I don't know ... around children." Seemed reasonable, until a federal judge blocked the law. "No!" our federal courts tell us, "You cannot prevent children from seeing adult material ... unless, of course, we disapprove." So they can't go to an X-rated movie, but they must be allowed to go to a show where a strange man dresses up as a woman to entertain the kiddies.

To Be or Not To Be
The EPA has approved California's plan to phase out fossil-fuel trucks starting in 2024. Yes, next year. The plan is to eliminate "box trucks, semitrailers and even large passenger pick-ups" that are not zero-emission. The cost will be staggering to trucking companies large and small, and the infrastructure to support such a massive move doesn't exist in California. So, are they cutting edge ... or cutting their own wrists? And who will pay the price? (That one's easy -- you and me.) Is California blazing new trails or choking itself out of existence?

But This Isn't Racism At All!
Since 1973, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. About 38% of all reported abortions are for black women although, in total, only 13% of the population is black. In Michigan, more than 55% of abortions in 2021 were for black women. Clearly, then, we can see the mindset of Michigan's governor who this week repealed a nearly 100-year-old piece of legislation that banned the murder of the unborn. If women -- especially black women -- want to kill their babies, Gretchen Whitmer is all for it.

Unintended Consequences
As we all know, former president Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of ... falsifying business records. Oddly enough, the effects are unexpected. Trump's arraignment seems to have strengthened Trump's position. Trump-haters gloat that herein is proof that he shouldn't be president; Trump-lovers applaud him and give him more money. The man admittedly had an extramarital affair with a porn star and paid "hush money" to keep her quiet (none of which were crimes), but the "big crime" is improper bookkeeping. No one cares that Stormy Daniels took the money and blabbed anyway. No one cares that covering up one's indiscretions is standard operating procedure for politicians (and others) everywhere. (Think "the Twitter Files" where the government paid the media to hide the Hunter Biden stories, for instance.) But, I think, the one of the oddest outcomes is that Trump-lovers -- even Christian Trump-lovers -- don't bat an eye at the proven and admitted lack of moral character of the man they want reelected. I don't seem to grasp any of this.

First World Problems
The French workers are angry. Their government has proposed that retirement age be raised from 62 to 64. Cads in power! Of course, they've been doing that for some time here in America. And no one has been too miffed. And, besides, this is the French. What kind of crazy world is this when "We are entitled" overrides "We surrender"?

When Four Fingers Point Backward
Trump, the philandering adulterer, is on trial for trying to cover up his deeds. It turns out he's far more evil than that. According to the Biden administration his evil reached into Biden's presidency and forced him to pull out of Afghanistan in the night, stranding thousands of allies and friends and leaving all those women to suffer at the hands of the Taliban. Right? Or ... the Biden administration, in blaming Trump for that, is trying to cover up what they recognize to be evil and reprehensible on their own side ... just like Trump and his "hush money" debacle.

Beeyond Beelief
As the Bee points out, after electing nothing but Democrats for the last 100 years and getting nothing but corrupt leaders, rising crime, and increasing poverty, Chicago has spoken out firmly and elected ... another Democrat. You know ... like the definition of "insanity" -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. I hear that NBC is debuting their latest Law & Order: Falsification of Business Records Unit. Ought to be thrilling. And, last, the story of the Democrats throwing the biggest fundraiser we've seen in awhile ... for Trump (who, seriously, has raised $7 million since his indictment).

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Granted, we've been lamenting that common sense has left the building 30 years ago at the least.

    Hey, California can always tax the rich even more and force even more people and businesses out of their state. Maybe this is all part of their plan to return California to nature? We all know the biggest threat to the environment is people.

    I also heard that there are more Planned Parenthood facilities near black communities than white, and that the founder believed in racial purity and wanted to eliminate black people, so clearly they're just continuing their founder's vision.

    Even the improper bookkeeping is pretty flimsy. I mean, who keeps track of what every single expense is meant for? Maybe some of those 34 payments were legitimate legal fees to his lawyer.

    To be fair, if we had been as dependent on social welfare in old age as long as the French have, we'd be outraged too. I mean, we get mad when we're not allowed to perform sexually provocative performances in front of children, so it's not far out of reason.

    Well of course it's Trump's fault, he'd committed us to pulling out of Afghanistan, and there is no way for Biden to override what a previous president said. Clearly he must hold to promises made by someone he disagrees with on everything.

  2. I'm confused. Watched the CNN report you linked on the Afghanistan debaucle. Other than making a claim that it was some how related to Trump, they don't explain in any way how he had anything to do with it, and then go on to explain that the evacuation was just fine and went as planned. You know, maybe Biden isn't as far from Trump as I thought, they both claim everything they did was fine and the best and was just as intended. And then they went on to claim they are making plans on how to abandon countries in the future...what other countries are we that deeply involved in like Afghanistan? I may not be a politician or have the greatest grasp on international relations, but I'd imagine every situation would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis, not given some blanket plan for how to abandon people we are literally propping up.


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