Saturday, April 29, 2023

News Weakly - 4/29/23

Safing Face
(No, that's not misspelled.) Biofire Tech is selling a new smart gun in the U.S. It is enabled by facial recognition. Only authorized users can fire it. I'm all for safety features like this, but let's just hope that it works better than, say, my phone's facial recognition when the owner absolutely needs it. (It will, for instance, be useless in another COVID-type outbreak with everyone wearing masks.)

Oregon lawmakers are pushing forward a bill that would expand insurance coverage for gender affirming care to include cosmetic to critical (their phrase). In the ABC story, the spotlight is on a guy who identified as a transgender woman who was able to get some surgeries, but not things like permanent hair removal. "I still look in the mirror and I see that masculine person," he/she said. "It's stressful. It causes anxiety and PTSD when you're having to live in this body that you don’t feel like you should be in." The guy recognized that his body was male (sex) -- masculine (gender) -- and believed he shouldn't be in it. This, our current culture, calls "heroic" and seeing it as crazy is "hateful." I'm not sure who is more confused; this guy who believes and doesn't believe that gender is a social construct or the people who affirm that tragic nonsense.

Standing on Thin Air
Other major countries like the UK, Sweden, Finland, and France have all yanked their permission for kids to get transgender medical treatment because, according to them, the science just doesn't support it. Not the DOJ. They are actually suing Tennessee for being so pro-science that they have banned body mutilation for transgender youth. "If you can't cut 'em up when they're young, when can you?" they figure.

The New Politics
Well, I don't think anyone is surprised, but Biden announced he's running again in 2024 (even though Democrats aren't happy with him). And, of course, we already knew Trump was running again. It seems like we're no longer trying to get good leadership; it seems like the new politics is "vote against the other guy." And it doesn't seem to matter which side you're talking about. We used to hope for a good guy or a better guy, but now it's just "Not their guy."

Sorry that it's a short news week. On my news feeds the other day I counted 10 articles on transgender issues of the first 25 items. Even on today's News Weakly you find 2 of them because it's just so big in the media today. Common sense is out. Rational thinking is out. Science is out. Common courtesy is out. So this is a short week for the news here.

News from Beeyond
With the departure of Tucker Carlson, millions of boomers are calling younger relatives trying to find out how to change the channel from Fox News. In an ominous threat to the nation, Joe Biden has promised to "finish the job" by running for reelection ... and America is scared. Locally, a wife called her husband to tell him their minivan had suffered a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" after she spilled her Starbucks in her lap while driving. (If you don't get that reference, check the link.)

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I like what I am hearing from Republican Vivek Ramaswamy, but his polling numbers are awful.

  2. The truth is that in almost every election I've seen there is at least one candidate that I actually like. The sad truth is that that candidate is almost never the one who ends up running at the end.

  3. No candidate we would like could make it to the primary because too many Republicans want to draw in the middle crowd.

  4. Stan,

    In theory, I'm not absolutely opposed to some sort of mechanism that limits who can fire a particular weapon. However, I share your concern that whatever that is would need to be absolutely 100% reliable in all circumstances. I suspect that the gun manufacturers would never go for this because the potential liability seems very high.

    It is interested that those who claim to be pro Science can somehow manage to ignore entire countries who conclude that The Science leads them to a conclusion where they protect their children from harm, rather that submit their children to harm.

    I agree that the likelihood of a candidate that I agree with on more than 75% of positions is incredibly unlikely. I'm just hoping for a candidate that isn't a dumpster fire, and who is significantly less objectionable than whoever the DFL trots out.

    Nothing about the DFL seeming to be starting to stack the primaries in favor of Biden?


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