Saturday, April 22, 2023

News Weakly - 4/22/23

Stand ... for Something
At a pro-baby-murder rally, our fine vice president stood up and urged women to "stand up and fight." Which, I suppose, makes sense. "Stand up and fight for your right to kill." I guess. No ... not really. But I think our current administration has made it clear that the most defenseless human beings are not their concern.

The New Catholicism?
A Canadian teen suspended from a Caholic high school is filing a human rights complaint for religious discrimination. Yes. And it only gets weirder from there. He was suspended because he argued that God created two genders (Gen 1:27) and the Catholic school suspended him for opposing transgender ideology. His classmates verbally assaulted him when he made the audacious claim that men have penises and women have vaginas. I'm sorry ... what kind of "Catholic" school is this? "We will not tolerate either biblical or scientific truth in this school! We're a Catholic school!"

Crazy Government
An AZ House of Representatives member (GOP), Liz Harris, was expelled recently by the primarily GOP house ... for letting a witness make accusations of bribery. Bad enough. Looks like covering their rears. But the state GOP is now recommending Liz Harris (yes, the same Liz Harris) to fill the vacancy (along with 2 other possiblities). Crazy. All the way around.

Double Standards
The Supreme Court is revisiting Groff v DeJoy that allows employers to deny religious accomodations if they cause "undue hardship." Mind you, I don't need permission from my government to follow my religious convictions, nor do I require my employer to cowtow to my beliefs -- I'm just not one of those kind -- but I'm baffled by this societal double standard. The case is about a postal employee that couldn't work on Sunday because of his religious beliefs, so he was forced to quit. On the other hand, we're pressing for a higher and higher "living wage" and demanding all sorts of accomodations on racial and sexual orientation (read "LGBTetc") bases, but won't allow religious convictions ... especially Christian. Seems like unequal treatment to me.

Since Congress isn't cooperating, Emperor Biden signed an executive order calling for free preschool and affordable care for children. And why not? We've already handed our kids over to the government for a mandatory 13 years with an option for more where they can fill their skulls full of the world's drivel. (Used to be "education" -- reading, writing, arithmetic. No longer.) We might as well give them a couple of earlier years as well. But, mind you, don't be surprised at what they are taught outside of your purview.

In Memoriam
As I'm sure you've heard by now, Charles Stanley died this week. He was 90. For 50 of those years he was the pastor of First Baptist Atlanta. He founded In Touch Ministries, wrote more than 70 books, and influenced many lives. He was dedicated to preaching the Word, in season and out. Charles Stanley has gone home to be with the Lord, and he will be missed.

I Don't Even ...?
New Zealand has a pest problem; it's cats. So they organized a children's cat-hunting competition for kids 14 and under to hunt feral cats. Top prize was $250NZ ($155US). It has now been canceled due to backlash. "We should be teaching [them] empathy towards animals," a spokesman for an animal welfare charity said. "But we will not teach them empathy for the youngest human beings." (Okay, I added that last "quote," but ...) New Zealand is supposed to be some sort of paradise, but this would suggest otherwise.

The Bee: Fake News You Can Trust
A report is out that Disney World will be forced to close in Florida because an elementary school was built within 1,000 feet. (Think about it.) Elsewhere, Walgreens is asking customers if they'd be willing to round up to help pay for all the stolen merchandise. SNL added a non-binary cast member who, as it turns out, came out as not-funny last week. Then (modifying the Bee), the Supreme Court extended the availability of the abortion pill too late and now there's this adorable baby. Finally, one of my own. ARTEMIS is a new soccer-playing robot, currently hoping that Biden's new Title IX proposal allowing transgenders to play regardless of their gender goes through so it can play, too.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I've seen several videos of people out asking for a petition for harsher penalties for harming eagle eggs which people happily sign, followed immediately by saving the life of the unborn by the same people with a hard no.

  2. Certainly the loudest part of America are clear on their views about protecting human life ... and confused about why it is that more people are killing more people.

  3. Stand ... for Something

    If I'm not mistaken, Harris is inciting an insurrection!!

    The New Catholicism?

    It seems no Christian denomination is free of leftist influence. We'll soon be huddling in tiny congregations of like-minded believers committed to the Word of God...a real underground movement similar to the early church. We need catacombs!

    Crazy Government

    As I tried to read up on this story, I could find no indication that any who oppose Harris' witness did anything to verify or rebut her allegations of bribery.

    Double Standards

    Now if he had said he was muslim....!


    It seems there is nothing Biden won't force upon us through his abuse of the executive order option. No doubt one can find fault in an EO by even their fave prez, but this guy takes it to a whole new level without the slightest factual backing for most of it.

    In Memoriam

    Sad news indeed.

    I Don't Even ...?

    There are absolutely no animals on earth which can't be targeted for a hunt should they become pests due to overpopulation. Not a one. I'd like to help, but my wife still loves her cat.


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