Saturday, April 01, 2023

News Weakly - 4/1/23

Our Union Overlords
In a bow to their true constituents, the Michigan state government carried out their plan to eliminate the right to work in Michigan. Unions rule. Don't like it? Tough! Governor Whitmer says (in essence), "We love you, Michiganders ... as long as you knuckle under."

All the Wrong Questions
Another tragic shooting. Another round of stupid questions. A 28-year-old Nashville woman (who identified as a man) shot 3 elementary school students and 3 elementary school staff before being shot by police. The questions they're asking are about gun control. The question that needs to be asked is why so many no longer value human life. Guns have been with us a long time. This random, senseless use of them, not so much. Changing weapons won't fix that problem. I can't say for certain why human life has drastically dropped in value, but I wonder if things like this kind of thinking plays a part.

The Elusive "Living Wage"
After largely achieving the $15/hr minimum wage in much of the country, states like New York, California, and Hawaii are pushing for $20/hr or more. Why? Well, because, as it turns out, when our Democratic government breaks records for inflation and you raise the minimum wage, the cost of living goes up, so it becomes necessary to raise the minimum wage, which will drive up the cost of living, so it will be necessary ... ad infinitum. Why is that so hard to see?

No Kidding
The World Health Organization has taken a turn on their recommended policy. Now they are saying that healthy children and teens may not need COVID vaccinations. Given that this group constituted an extremely small segment of the overall impact of COVID, I would have advised them of that ... years ago. But, of course, science knows best, if not, perhaps, slowest.

An Arm and a Leg
Ford is boosting the price of its electric F-150 nearly 50% due to rising costs. You know, like union wages and the cost of everything else thanks to our current economic overlords. So, sure, you need an electric vehicle ... but it's gonna cost you ... well, you know the rest.

The Bee is Back
I skipped the Bee last week, but they're back. In one story, doctors are reporting a troubling rise in testicular injuries among female athletes. In another, despite all we hear about how expensive it is to live in California and how much people are fleeing the state, the Bee lists 11 Great Reasons to Stay in California, starting with "Zillow estimates your cardboard box house will be worth $3 million in just a few years" and ending with "Best of all, the government will make all your decisions for you." What a great state to live in! And a report from the White House is out that Biden, hearing that a president was being indicted, was deeply concerned until he realized it was Trump.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet. No foolin'. (If you missed that, check the date.)


  1. Let’s not forget that the 28 year old, mentally ill, LGBTQ woman, targeted a “Christian” school and murdered it’s children and seniors. Didn’t hear much about that being a hate crime in the news.

  2. I will never understand how abortion is "health care". It's not care for the mother who will be emotionally scarred by it, or possibly injured or killed by it (surgical abortions certainly aren't "safe"). Nor is it good for the baby. Getting dissolved or eviscerated is never good for anyone's health.

    The "living wage" debate seems to have the same problem as the "gun control" debate. It all seems to be addressing the symptoms and not the cause.

  3. I wonder of The Bee knows that the A in Zillow stands for accuracy.

  4. No Doug, instead they are condemning people for "misgendering" her and saying to expect more violence from them.


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