Saturday, March 25, 2023

News Weakly - 3/25/23

No Surprise Here
If a guy could sue his parents for having him circumcised at birth or for giving birth to him without his consent, it stands to reason that a de-transitioned teen might sue for a double mastectomy at 13. Somebody older, wiser, and more responsible should have been looking out for her. Kaiser wasn't. But, trust me, it's the girl who underwent the surgery who will be the "bad guy" because of her "hate" for "transgenders" in our current environment.

Out of California
So this is what San Francisco thinks is fair. San Francisco (where there were no black slaves) thinks that San Franciscans (who have no black slaves in their past) should each pay $600,000 to give those "who identify as black" (What does that even mean?) up to $5 million to recompense for the deeds of others in the long past. Good luck with that.

Not to be Outdone
Arizona has been "californicated" in the last decade, turning it purple if not blue. Thus, the new governor is implementing California-style nonsense with an executive order banning discrimination ... on the basis of hair. Mind you, "hair discrimination" is rare and essentially a subset of racial discrimination (which is already illegal nationwide), but we'll fix this problem by divine fiat ... in a state where less than 5% of the population is black. Can't we just enforce racial discrimination laws, recognizing "hair discrimination" as part of that? And are there not some cases in which school teams and the like might have a need to control hair? (I remember in my youth sports teams were required to cut their hair short for safety purposes.) This just feels like one of those "See? I did something" moments.

The Standard is Double with This One
Last month Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip, Dilbert, got himself canceled for saying, "Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people." Adams is gone. Dilbert is gone. End of discussion. Now Robin DiAngelo, author of the antiracist book, White Fragility, has suggested, "People of color need to get away from White people." No one is outraged. No one is protesting. No cancellations for this white woman. Does anyone else smell a double standard here? It's pretty stinky where I sit.

Katy Perry is in trouble for "mom-shaming." A 25-year-old singer on American Idol said she had 3 kids and Katy told her she was "laying on the table too much." We've arrived at this point where, on one hand, we're not allowed to "shame" anyone ... at all ... for anything -- too fat, too thin, not good-looking, not smart, on and on -- while, at the same time, shaming anyone we feel has done it. Look, for the benefit of some people, they need to have some things pointed out. (I'm not referring to this mother; I don't know her circumstances.) While we all feel these days that shame has no place in our society, we all know instinctively that it does, so we do it ... mindlessly. Not good.

Just Over 1 in 3 Approve
Due to the national perception of what a good job he's doing, Biden's approval rating is at 38%. If these stunning numbers hold up, we can only hope he gets the nod for the Democratic nominee for president next year.

The Beat of a Different Drummer
I'll be honest. The Bee just wasn't up to snuff this week. I suspect it's a case of stupidity exhaustion. The Genesius Times ran a story about the DOJ arresting Trump in response to Biden's illegal business dealings with China. And there is the rumor that Elon Musk plans to buy Congress to release all the January 6 footage, but we know that will just get ignored, so ...? And, not the Bee or Genesius, I just got to wondering. Do you suppose California Governor Newsom will make Monopoly money legal tender in California to cover the massive reparations bill from giving $5 million to every black person in California? I'm thinking he'll have to.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I've come to the conclusion that most policy making politicians don't actually believe what they're doing and simply put stuff out there in hopes of getting brownie points from "their side". They know the things they put up will just get shot down, but then they can point at those mean opponents.

    Shameless: I'm reminded of a Bible verse about people calling evil good and good evil.

  2. You know, Biden may be running again even with such low numbers, but if Trump is his opponent again, I think he has a chance just from the sheer hatred of Trump.


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