Saturday, March 18, 2023

News Weakly - 3/18/23

The big news from last Saturday through Monday was the Oscars. Who was nominated, who attended and with whom, who was wearing what, who wasn't allowed in, who won, who flopped, and "Did someone slap someone?". For the first time in my "News Weakly" entries I will provide no links to those stories. You can find them yourself. That's because I think it's a shame that actors and movies should garner such extreme attention in comparison to so many newsworthy things going on while providing so little value in a world so sensitive you can here a microaggression drop. To me, the Oscar news is a yawn.

A President Who Cares
Gas prices continue to rise, so, in order "to deliver on the most aggressive climate agenda in American history," President Biden blocked oil drilling on millions of acres of federal land in and around Alaska -- land set aside by Congress for that purpose -- while demanding that Big Oil produce more. Get used to rising prices; he's not planning to change that. He's a president who cares ... just not about you. Seriously, Mr. Biden, whose side are you on?

The Wrong Side of History
We're still getting "outrageous" stories of bans on transgender care for minors in this country. One has to wonder, however. In Norway, the law allows a minor to change genders without a doctor's agreement or intervention, but they are banning "gender-affirming care" because it is not "evidence-based." Finland, Sweden, and the U.K. have already done the same. Will the U.S. end up on the wrong side of history by clinging to their anti-science approach?

In Classic Contradictory Style
It had to happen. With all this "Women are women even if they're men" and "I am the gender I identify as" stuff, it had to happen. Now, throwing out all reason, students at all-female Wellesley College (Hillary Clinton's alma mater) are demanding that trans-male students be allowed to attend. Mind you, the "trans-male" is a biological female that now identifies as male. They will now demand that biological women be identified as women and that trans-men will also be identified as women because that makes sense in this nonsensical world we've built.

Seeing is Beelieving
In Bee news, the Biden administration has promised to tax Silicon Valley billionaires on the money the federal government just gave them. In other news, Biden is calling on banks not to collapse. There ... that ought to fix it. And it was worth noting that this year's Oscars ratings soared as the nation watched hoping to see someone slap Jimmy Kimmel.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. The only news I got out of the Oscar's was that Dove (the soap company) is mad that Brendan Fraser won an Oscar for playing a morbidly obese man when he was on only a slightly obese man at the time. Apparently, actors can only play themselves now.

  2. Yawn

    The fetching Mrs. Marshal Art and I used to go the theater all the time. Sometimes we'd go two or three times in a month. It was always like a date night, with a decent Mexican restaurant in the same mall where the theater was. It was a time when we felt the movies were good enough to spend money on to see, and I believe that was true back then. We'd have nominal interest in the Oscars as far as the major categories and because someone like Billy Crystal was hosting and he's a funny guy. Not any more. The theaters are still reacting as if COVID is a serious threat, the ticket prices are outrageous an (as are popcorn, Milk Duds and soft drinks there) and most importantly, the movies are poop. I'm up for John Wick 4, but aside from that...I don't know, and I may wait until it comes to cable when it's all said and done.

    This year, I happened to stumble upon info informing us that Brendan Fraser won Best Actor for some movie called "The Whale" about which I know absolutely nothing (I think it's about a fat guy). I tuned into his acceptance speech from some article on line and it seemed to be becoming Tom Hank's acceptance speech for "Philadelphia", which was perhaps the most grating, cloying and vomit inducing acceptance speech I've ever heard, and likely in all of Oscar history. I just wanted to mention this somewhere. Fraser was great in those "Mummy" movies and fantastic in "George of the Jungle"...which should have won an Oscar in the opinion of my kids. (By the way, just saw "The Philadelphia Story" on TCM last night. A great film which never gets old.)

    A President Who Cares

    Joe Biden cares about Joe Biden. The most annoying thing about this world class fool of an empty suit is how he seems to believe that everybody thinks he's something. "Look at me!! I'm Joe Biden!! Isn't that great??" And we have Trump-haters and people who "vote their conscience" for this disaster.

    The Wrong Side of History

    I'm more concerned with on which side of morality our nation chooses to stand. Right now, it's the wrong side. Allowing kids to be butchered for a lie is about as far on the wrong side of morality as I can imagine.

    "In Classic Contradictory Style"

    You may have heard of that women's basketball team from the Christian school (the name of which I don't feel like googling at the moment). They were in the playoffs and forfeited when it became known their competitor include a dude dressed as a chick...sorta like that swimmer who'll never be a chick. An absolutely heroic move on their part, as I don't know if they were able to continue in the playoff tournament and lost out on their chance of a championship. But in an article in this issue was a great way to deal with the perversion of letting men compete against women. The moment one finds out the opponent has a dude on the team, get your men's team to suit up for tip-off insisting each one of them identifies as a woman and crush the team with the one dude. That would be sweet!

    Seeing is Beelieving

    I'd pay for a streaming service to see someone slap Kimmel at the Oscars...or anywhere else, for that matter. Some people just need a slap!

  3. You keep blaming those "Trump-haters and conscience voters" for your lose. But why not blame the actual people that actually voted for the guy you actually hate. I doubt there are any viable numbers to show it, but I don't imagine their are very many people that voted for Biden simply because they didn't like Trump, and there are even fewer that didn't vote for either. It simply doesn't seem feasible to me that even if the extremely small number of us that didn't vote for either would have swayed the vote, since I imagine there were those on both sides of the aisle didn't like either candidate. You blame us for something we couldn't actually have any effect on due to our extremely small number. Aim your anger at the true villains.

  4. If it is your position that people must not vote their conscience but vote for yours, then you've shifted from conservative to dictator. Stop, Art. Just stop. The people that voted their conscience didn't make this problem, and if the only way to prevent this problem is to vote AGAINST conscience, that is neither safe nor right. You don't want to start that trend. "The ends justify the means" is a lie ... and we know who the father of lies is. Just stop.


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