Saturday, March 11, 2023

News Weakly - 3/11/23

Low Hanging Fruit
Miami-Dade County has named a street after Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. Me, personally ... I wouldn't want to live there. I mean, that's a lot to write over and over on every "Address" line you have to fill out. And I'm pretty sure there are no known women on that street ...

California ... Again
California has cut ties with Walgreens after they refused to sell abortion pills in 21 states. Walgreens stopped sales in those states where abortion is banned under threat of legal action. Michael Moore is certain that all those women who oppose abortion because it kills a human being are actually "angry white American men" who need to "give up their power." All those kindly white guys hold, "If black women want to kill their babies at a horrifyingly disproportionate rate, we need to let them."

No End in Sight
UN Secretary General António Guterres sounded the alarm that gender equality is still 300 years away. He pointed to the Middle East where women are erased from public life and to places where women are not allowed to kill their babies on a whim. (In terms of "gender equality," is there a place where men are allowed to kill their babies when they want?) Most humorously to me, the Washington Post story pointed out "He did not specify how the [300 year] figure was reached." I'd think that would be harder to predict than, say, weather.

Filed Under "What Could Go Wrong?"
Remember New York City? They were the ones pushing mask and vaccine mandates with a passion. Now NYC Mayor Eric Adams is urging stores to ask people to remove masks ... to prevent robberies. (Ironically, the picture of him giving this presentation has someone standing behind him with a mask.) I remember how odd it was to suddenly not be allowed in my bank (for instance) without a mask and thinking, "What could go wrong?" Interesting that a New York City mayor sees it, too.

Here in "Opposite Land"
I read it and I still don't get it. Five women are suing Texas for the state's abortion ban. They say it puts their lives and their fetuses at risk. So ... just how does preventing the killing of a fetus put the fetus at risk? Kind of the opposite, isn't it?

Of Course They Did
Michigan, a big-time union state, has taken its first solid steps toward repealing their right-to-work law. "No," they will tell workers, "you do not have the right to work here. You will submit to your union masters (especially by paying dues and fees)." Repealing freedom is the message that unions and Democrats would like to broadcast, it seems.

Lies and More Lies
First was the news that Tennessee was banning drag shows. They weren't. They were putting shows with the fundamental precept of men dressed as women in the category of "adult entertainment" which would require that they don't make it available for children ... like any other adult entertainment. Doesn't matter. That font of wisdom, RuPaul, is mad and wants them all out of office. So, let me see. The lawmakers want to limit adult entertainment to adults and it's evil. RuPaul wants to eliminate lawmakers that disagree with his view and that's good. Got it.

Lesson Learned
The prosecutor in the Virginia case of a 6-year-old who shot his teacher (twice) says the child won't be charged. Lesson learned, young man. You can can get away with murder. Or, at least, attempted murder. Life without consequences. Thanks for the graphic lesson. But I think that's what most parents are teaching most kids these days, so it's not really novel.

Ignore the Science
The media always refers to it as a "transgender ban" because the phrase is inflammatory and because it suits their purposes. It is not a transgender ban. West Virginia is asking the Supreme Court to allow their "transgender ban" ... in women's sports. No one cares if a female that considers herself a male plays in male sports. No harm, no foul. No unfair advantage. If they can compete, let 'em. The same is not true in males who identify as females, but no one is willing to acknowledge that they are biological males, so they're unable to admit the plain, scientific fact that biological males tend to have physical advantages over biological females. They say that gender is a social construct. It's not, but if it were, it's still certain that biology is not. So it looks a lot like males who identify as females are trying to erase females in sports.

It looks like someone over at the Bee got a bee under their bonnet over women. First was the almost understandable story of the man who regretted transitioning to being a woman once he saw the lines for the restroom. Then the almost understandable one about the guy who invited company over to trick his wife into cleaning the house. Then it just got mean. One was a story of a female pilot who caused a panic when she announced "Everything is fine" followed closely by the female pilot who just figured that "check engine" light would go out eventually. Not cool, Bee. Well, I chuckled, but it was a guilty chuckle. Not cool.

1 comment:

  1. You know, we used to make statues and name roads after people that accomplish something. Justice Brown's only accomplishment thus far has been to be a black judge during the Biden administration. Nobody even knows if she'll be good at the job.

    I found it odd that California's governor is shutting down government deals with Walgreens simply because they don't want to break the law.


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