Thursday, March 09, 2023

End Times?

So, I received this very odd notification from Blogger, the platform I use for this blog. They told me that one of my posts "was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content." "Hmm," I thought, "what did I write that contained 'sensitive content'?" Maybe it was in some of those places where I said that the Bible calls homosexual sex sin. Maybe it was one of those places where I said that transgender is biologically nonsense. You know, in some of that satirical stuff in my News Weakly entries someone might have taken offense. Who knows? So I looked further. The email I received told me it was my post on "Did David Rape Bathsheba?. What? Really??

According to the notice it "was flagged to us for review." How? Did a reader complain? Did some software find some "sensitive content"? I don't know. What sensitive content? I don't know. How can I fix this? Well, if I edit it to change the "sensitive content," they'll review my edit and release it if it meets their standards. What sensitive content? So I won't be editing it. I don't know what was offensive. I said that the text offers no indication that David raped Bathsheba. Hebrew has a word for "rape" and it wasn't used anywhere in the story of David and Bathsheba. That is, when God's list of accusations against David was read, there was murder and there was adultery, but there was no rape. So I concluded we couldn't call it rape if God didn't. Sensitive content?

It's not like this is a surprise. I already suggested some of what I have written that could be listed as "sensitive content" in this oversensitized, redefining world of ours. It won't be long before the Bible will be chided for its "hate speech" when it clearly states that homosexual behavior is sin, for instance. After all, those of us who hold to the Bible already are accused of hate speech for it. What I'm wondering, then, is if it is time for me to say goodbye to blogging. I'm at almost 17 years of blogging with over 6100 posts and counting. It is almost unthinkable to believe I could get away with maintaining a biblical worldview on an open platform like this and still be allowed to continue. Maybe it's time to consider ending it? Or maybe you, my readers, have other suggestions? I'm not interested in making it a fight, but maybe you know of other options or ideas? I'll have to pray and think about this.


  1. It took them over 3 years to flag it? Weird. I'd imagine it was simply the word "rape" in the title. But I'd imagine having only 1 post in 17 years be flagged is a pretty good record. I don't think that should be a sign for you to quit, but an encouragement that God is using your blog in this hostile world to spread His Word.

  2. I reread the post and wondered if it was that paragraph on "power rape" that suggested that perhaps some women who suffered from power rape chose to accept it? Thinking like, "I know this is bad, but it's the price I'm willing to pay to achieve my dreams." Maybe. I'm wondering how it was "flagged." Software or a reader? We sure live in a touchy world these days -- easily offended. When "microaggression" can be considered a real thing, we've gotten too sensitive. And that offends me.

  3. Of course the flag was silly nonsense; I hope you will ignore it and carry on your good work as long as you are willing and able to do so!


  4. Did they give you any chance to respond to the alert? I'm guessing someone complained, for whatever reason I'd have no clue.

    Keep doing the blog. I am a daily follower and find a lot of what you write is interesting and sometimes thought-provoking.

  5. It appears from responses on and off the blog that the only response is "No, don't stop!" Okay. Yes, Glenn, they told me if I wanted to edit the entry to remove the "sensitive content" they would release it. What they did not do is tell me what the sensitive content was.

  6. You can still access the post, it simply gives a sensitivity warning and let's you opt out of reading it.

  7. Soooooo, YOu have a choice to edit the post but they won't tell you what needs editing. Lovely. Tyrants.

  8. I understand you can still read the post, but the label is unfair.

  9. Since I don't actually know what the offense is, I agree that the label is unfair. I do wonder, however, if it won't make some curious people more interested. :)

  10. The Barbara Streisand effect.

  11. Actually, it wasn't quite three years yet, but the point took a while for someone to notice it who then found it offensive. I think the time frame lessens the possibility is was some algorithmic response. Someone might have been searching a topic related and your post showed up in the search engine and pearls then needed clutching. The closest I've come to that situation is somebody trying to push a business opportunity on a post from months past.

  12. If you have over 6,000 posts with only one censorship, I think this must be a great platform and you pick your topics and speak the truth with skill. Well, or you’ve been playing softball too long. Hehe

    Conversely, I can’t go a couple of days without wishing I, or someone else, had censored my tongue. That whole set on fire by hell thing.

    I just think - well done Stan and thanks God!

  13. Years ago I went to a site to find out if my blog was blocked in China. It was. I took that as a compliment. Maybe this is, too?


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?