Saturday, February 25, 2023

News Weakly - 2/25/2023

Thought Crimes?
The headline said a New York City woman was arrested "for setting Pride flag on fire" along with other crimes. Vandalizing police cars is indeed criminal, but if burning an American flag is acceptable -- even cheered -- what makes the Pride flag sacrosanct? She should be arrested for vandalism and criminal mischief, but we've moved way beyond reasonable laws when disapproving a sexual orientation is criminal.

First World Problems
Two Real Housewives of the Potomac stars named their podcast "Reasonably Shady." Rapper Eminem owns the trademark for "Slim Shady" and "Shady," so he's upset. Good thinking. I am filing a trademark patent on the word "the" and hope to sue anyone in the future who uses "the" without permission. I'm thinking big bucks.

Florida is looking at an unusual lawsuit for the release of a female inmate's unborn baby from detention. The mother is in for killing a woman, but the baby didn't do anything. Interesting -- you can see the ramifications (baby = human life) -- but don't get excited. You know our current court system doesn't like babies.

Ban It ... Ban It All
Coast to coast, we're moving to bizarre bans. In California, a beach city plans to ban balloons from being released. You know ... to save the environment. And in Florida, a state bill proposes making it illegal for dogs to stick their heads out of the windows of moving cars. It's not that Florida is insane, too. The same rule was suggested by the American Humane Society back in June, 2022. America is insane.

Didn't see this coming. The Southern Baptist Convention expelled 6 churches from their denomination this week. One was for its handling of a sex abuse case and the rest were for installing women as pastors. One of them was Rick Warren's Saddleback church. Who'd have thought? A denomination trying to stand on biblical principles?? Go figure!

Seeing is Beelieving
Since Biden was in Ukraine anyway, Hunter Biden asked him to pick up his paycheck while he was there. Makes sense. In other news, a disturbing poll has revealed that 26% of Americans still trust the media. What's up with that?? And have you been following CNN's Don Lemon stuff? Lemon commented that Nikki Haley wasn't "in her prime," insisting that a woman is "in her prime in her 20s, 30s, 40s." CNN didn't let him back the next day. Now they're letting him come back as long as he stops referring to coworkers as "dusty old broads."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. On the dogs out windows thing, it makes sense in a way. We made seatbelts mandatory and drinking and driving illegal when both used to not be due to the danger those actions have in moving vehicles. If you really love your pets, you'd put them in a seat belted cage. At least people used to have the ability to brace for impact in an accident before seatbelts. I can't tell you how many times I saw family pets sliding all around the car with even minor turns. Letting your pets roam free in your car is dangerous for your pets and for you (think projectiles) in an accident or even a close call.

  2. It makes sense, I suppose, if you're one of those people who think dogs can be family or that animals have the same value as humans. But if we're going to operate on "avoid all possible injury to all possible living beings at all possible cost," I'm pretty sure we can just stop doing anything at all. And our dogs will not thank us for it. :)

  3. I don't know that caring for your pets safety is the same as making pets family. Besides, strapping down your pet in the car is just as much about safety for the people in the car. It's the same reason you shouldn't have heavy loose things in the passenger area. You slam on those breaks or get in an accident, anything not tied down can become a projectile.


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