Saturday, February 18, 2023

News Weakly - 2/18/2023

Not My Sheep
Apparently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was miffed that people would say "Jesus gets us" at the Super Bowl. Saying that Jesus cares about the hurt and marginalized makes "fascism look benign" and she was sure Jesus would never do that. To be fair, AOC was accusing those who agree with biblical morality on issues like sex outside of marriage or abortion of being fascists. Something tells me she doesn't know Jesus.

Stand Black, Everyone
Part of the woke Super Bowl event included the singing of the black national anthem before the game. Apparently defeated governor candidate
Kari Lake refused to stand for it. Why is that news? We don't even know what "black nation" the anthem is for. Since it is distinct from the American national anthem, it must be distinct from that nation. Since it's the black national anthem, it must not include any other races. So what nation is this? And why would someone expect those who don't know what nation is in view to stand? Isn't "silent and respectful" enough? At least she didn't kneel ...

Getting a Charge Out of it
Everyone knows that we all need to be driving electric cars. Soon. Tomorrow, if possible. So Biden wants 500,000 charging stations by 2030. And Tesla is planning 7,500. So ... who's picking up the next 492,500? Oh, yeah, probably you and me. "You'll buy and e-car and you'll drive an e-car and you'll pay through the nose for it ... if it kills you." I, for one, embrace our environmental overlords.

God on TikTok
This is interesting. An event is going viral -- a nonstop Kentucky prayer revival. A chapel meeting at a Christian college took off on its own with students lingering for the past 7 days straight, 24 hours a day, praying, repenting, calling on God. No lights or screens, special music or other modern conveniences. It is now on TikTok and Instagram, known as the "Asbury Revival," and millions are hearing that God is changing lives. We'll definitely want to keep an eye on this.

What's Fair is Fair
Back in the 19th century the family of a Virginia lawyer donated $25,000 to fund the University of Richmond's T.C. Williams School of Law. The family has regularly donated to continue funding the school. Now the university has prohibited the naming of any building, etc., for a person engaged in slavery, and back in T.C. Williams's day, everyone who was anyone was, so they deleted his name from the school. The family is asking for their $3.6 billion back. Seems fair enough. You don't want the name; you shouldn't keep the money. They plan to use it for charitable purposes since the school has decided to taint the name. Seems reasonable, but don't hold your breath for a settlement.

Bee Prepared
After her Twitter rant, AOC burst into a local Sunday School class to tell them that Jesus was a fascist. Closer to home, a man doesn't understand how a God who is infinitely wiser than him might have a different opinion than he does. I did have to laugh at the headline that God was hopeful that the millions spent on "He Gets Us" at the Super Bowl might finally get Him some exposure. And it is understandable that a scared child would ask his mother to check under the bed for Madonna. I get that.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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