Saturday, February 11, 2023

News Weakly - 2/11/2023

Solving the Problem
The U.S. Deparment of Transportation called highway deaths a "crisis" that has killed more than 40,000 people in a year. Since that is almost 4 times the number of people that have died from gun-related incidents, the government is focusing on ... urging people to be responsible and not banning cars ... the exact opposite of their plan on gun control.

Global Something
Mount Washington in New Hampshire recorded the lowest temperature ever recorded in U.S. history -- -108°F. Couple that with that freeze as far south as Texas and, I'm telling you, if this global warming keeps up we're all going to freeze to death.

Modern Sin
The Church of England continues to explore a new "Christianity" for their own use. This time they're considering making God gender-neutral. No more "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," for instance. Because our world has gone radically insane, being gendered is considered noninclusive. They're perfectly willing to correct Jesus's error when He taught His disciples to pray, "Our Father ..." You have to give them their due. Takes some sort of courage to "follow" Christ and tell Him He was quite mistaken.

Stunning Turn
Then, on the heels of that last story, instead of holding fast on same-sex marriage like they "tried to" last week, the Church of England decided to go ahead and bless same-sex couples. Shouldn't be a surprise, since they are primarily a state church and essentially disconnected from what we might call "Christianity" as demonstrated by blessing what God called an "abomination."

Name Dropping
For a long, long time we've used terms connected to Native Americans in things like sports teams and mascots. It's easy to understand why. We see them as fighters, as strong, as real warriors ... just like we want our teams to be. Well, since the Kansas City Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, (some) Native Americans are protesting again. "Drop the name. Drop the mascot." They will fight to assure us that the respect we've had for their strength and tenacity is misplaced and they will not tolerate it ... oh ... wait ... tell me again what's wrong here?

What Could the SOTU Bee?
The big news this week, of course, was the State of the Union address. The Bee reported that everyone was surprised to see that the Republicans thought Biden did a terrible job, but Democrats loved it. There was a Silver Alert out about a lost old man yelling on the Capitol grounds. And, as expected, this State of the Union was sponsored by Pfizer. Finally, I hate to mention it, but when did feminists start criticizing a woman for interrupting a man? Strange times.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. What about the Celtics? Shouldn't Celtic peoples whine about being offended? After all, they are an historically oppressed peoples!

  2. I was wondering about all the rest. Surely the animal rights people have something to say about all the animal names. Don't the "Buffalo Bills" know about Buffalo Bill's killing of buffalo and hunting of Native Americans? Buccaneers, Pirates, Saints ... so many offensive names.

  3. Should just call them by their city name, or better yet, do like they do for all their stadiums and call them by their sponsors.

  4. Well, sponsors change ... often, so that might not work well, and some cities have more than one team, so that can get confusing, but I suppose, like Paul did in his writings or as they used to do in churches even in more recent times, "The First Football Team of Milwaukee" might work. But a little too wordy, isn't it? And how to abbreviate that for sports tickers? Never ending problems. Maybe we should just eliminate teams. And names.


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