Thursday, January 26, 2023

Sedition as a Virtue?

Four more members of the Oath Keepers militia were found guilty of sedition this week. So, of course, I had to look the word up because "sedition" is not the usual word for Jan. 6; "insurrection" is. What is sedition? Merriam-Webster defines it as "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority." Wikipedia says it is "overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order."

Now, that's interesting, because "rebellion against the established order" seems to be popular ... encouraged even. I mean, in 2008 when "the established order" in California said, "We define marriage as the union of a man and a woman," the court itself "incited rebellion" against that established order by specifically stating that they were overturning the "longstanding, traditional definition of marriage" when they ruled against the people of California. Twice. The "established order" said that there were males and females and loud voices protested, assuring us that gender is a social construct (which simpy and scientifically isn't true) and we can be whatever gender we want ... which means that people born as males can compete in sports with people born as females with impunity. They urged (continue to urge) rebellion agains the established order. Just two current examples.

Now, I know, that will get some knickers in a twist. Don't let it. Humans as a whole have been in the business of sedition from the outset. God was the established order and there has been, for all of human history, a push to rebel against the established order. Conversely, if the current authority is wrong, we all mostly agree that they should be rebelled against. Which leaves us in a quandry with those Oath Keepers. Without condoning or endorsing anything they stand for, shouldn't the real question be "Is the established order wrong?" Well, let's not go down that road, right?


  1. I think I wrote about something like this a while back. My point was that when rioters loot and burn government buildings, threaten violence against our judicial system, and various other government representatives, they are engaging in insurrection/sedition. I guess those things are really in the eye of the beholder.

    Well done to tie it back to our sedition against YHWH.

  2. When our country's founding fathers kicked out the existing government and established the new one, they were practicing actual sedition, actual insurrection. And we say that was good. No one is asking whether or not that's good today. Except ... they are. The LGBT+ folks did their insurrection on marriage and the nation applauds them. Another group pushed against the established order of police departments and no small number went along with "defund the police" as a good thing. A group of people believed there was sufficient election fraud to invalidate the 2020 election and, if there really was, that group would be heroes in that sedition. We're just not allowed to talk about that possibility. Which makes it really suspicious.

    Sedition is only good or bad in as far as the "established order" is bad or good. We have serious questions about that these days. And I'm not pushing for sedition.

  3. I have serious questions about the honesty and integrity of those who found these guys guilty of sedition.


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