Saturday, January 07, 2023

News Weakly - 1/7/2023

Your Government at Work
Big Pharma is raising prices on more than 350 drugs in January due to Biden's Inflation Reduction Act. Thank you, Mr. President. We appreciate your efforts to reduce inflation by increasing prices.

Sad That This is News
With the obvious rise of negligent parenting and the surge of states legalizing marijuana for fun and profit, it should not be news, but ... the journal, Pediatrics, is reporting that there has been a 14-fold rise in children eating cannabis edibles (designed to look like candy) with nearly a quarter of them requiring hospitalization for cannabis poisoning. Surprise! What did we expect?

File Under "Futile Thinking"
To read the reporting, apparently a guy who identifies as a woman should not be penalized if he kills his ex-girlfriend. The news was not that a convicted murderer had been executed; it was about the tragedy that he was executed after having transitioned (on our dime) to being a woman and becoming "a loving and caring person."

Sheer Irony chose their word of the year for 2022: "woman." Ironic given that we're all quite convinced that "woman" is a social construct and a Supreme Court Justice couldn't even define the term. Ironic given that the Oxford English Dictionary updated their definition to define it as a "person's wife, girlfriend, or lover." (The definition originally was "a man's wife ...") Really? That works for someone? Ironic because the Cambridge Dictionary changed their definition to "an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth." Because "woman" and "sex" are not connected. So open-minded that their brains leaked out.

Take This and Run With It
South Carolina's Supreme Court threw out their attempts to protect the most vulnerable human beings on the basis of the state's constitutional protection of privacy. Okay, so let me see if I understand this. People are guaranteed the right to privacy in South Carolina to the extent that if they kill someone in private, they cannot be stopped. Is that the idea? I mean, what could go wrong?

Seeking Forgiveness?
Currently, they tell me, 44.7 million people have student loans outstanding to a total tune of $1.52 trillion. They tell me the average debt per borrower is more than $32,000. The White House proposes to fix this by giving them $10,000 -- $20,000 if it they received a Pell Grant. Now, it is true that this would reduce the amount that they owe, but in no case can it be called "student loan forgiveness." Biden plans to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in debt; the debt owed is more than 15 times that amount. I guess they want to sound more impressive than "student loan decrease."

Don't Bother Me With Facts
Factually, 4 people died in the January 6 riot year ago -- all Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed, was shot by a Capitol officer and died of her wounds. Two other rioters died of natural causes and a fourth of amphetamine poisoning. Capitol Policeman Brian Sicknick died the day after due to "natural causes" after two strokes. Four Capitol officers committed suicide after the riot. So why is it that the estate of Brian Sicknick is suing Trump over Officer Sicknick dying of natural causes but no one is saying a think about the only actual directly-related death -- Ashli Babbitt? I know, I know. "Don't bother me with facts; I know I'm right."

Fair and Unbiased
Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of the two "fair and unbiased" Republicans on the Jan 6 Committee, whom the media refers to as a "Republican party outcast," has joined CNN as a political commentator. And why not? CNN is equally "fair and unbiased," right? And we all know that committee was perfectly fair and unbiased ... right?

There's Got To Bee A Morning After
Some news from the week. 1) In celebration of Jan 6, Adam Kinzinger's mom let him open one gift on Jan 6th Eve. He wept with delight. 2) While you and I feel like prices continue to skyrocket, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reminded everyone that everything has always been more expensive than usual. 3) And the House Republicans have failed to elect a Speaker of the House, so they've asked for a recess to binge watch old episodes of Schoolhouse Rock to figure out what they're supposed to be doing.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. You'd think that Big Pharma would be so grateful that Trump and Biden wrote them a blank check on the "vaccine" that they'd be satisfied. I guess not. But remember, it's only the GOP that is in the clutches of Big Pharma, not the DFL. They're as pure as the wind driven snow. Except for the whole crypto Ponzi scheme thing.

    The while student loan forgiveness thing is false on so many levels. As you point out it's not forgiveness, but reduction. It's not really forgiveness anyway, it's just dumping the burden on taxpayers of the future. It disproportionately benefits "the rich". Even if it never actually happens, the DFL will act like it did, and their sheep will believe that it really did happen. Just one more vote buying scheme where they are buying votes for IOU's that will never be honored.

    The fact that the DFL and the MSM continue to promote this 1/6 narrative that is 100% false, doesn't speak well for either of those institutions. Clearly honesty isn't a significant value to either.


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