Saturday, January 28, 2023

News Weakly - 1/28/2023

George Santos was elected in the latest election to represent New York's 3rd congressional district. George Santos is unfit to do so. First there was the résumé scandal where he finally admitted he lied about his past. Now there is this "drag queen" story where he first denied and then admitted he performed as a drag queen. Finally Santos apparently used someone's signature without their permission for his campaign finance report. I say he is unfit not because of the drag queen thing. I say he is unfit because if your elected official is in the habit of lying -- cannot be trusted or believed -- then he is unfit to represent his constituents. But, of course, we won't apply that "Can they be trusted?" standard ... because who in our current government could stand? (Think, for instance, of the "more classified documents found" story.)

I Might Have to Disasgree to Agree
The story is about a young mother who is not allowed to volunteer at her kids' school because she is an OnlyFans model -- she makes her living by selling her body. "I'm not a bad person," she said. I suppose we'll have to disagree about whether charging people for being a pornographic model is "bad," but we won't agree, of course, because "bad" is no longer a common sense concept in our culture.

No-Fix Fix
At the memorial for the Monterey Park shooting victims, VP Harris called for gun control laws. This fix of "take away the tool" that ignores all the other tools available is based, I believe, on the simplistic idea that people are basically good and if you remove the tools they might use to do bad things, they'll stop bad things. It is nonsense, of course. The handgun is the most popular weapon for killing with guns. Not on the list. More people die from people using such things as hands and feet than assault rifles. Not on the list. And, of course, there is the problem of the 2nd Amendment. Delete that and you will make progress toward banning guns ... and the elimination of rights guaranteed from the beginning of this nation. Simply put, bad people do bad things. Fix that.

Speaking of Lost Rights
This isn't really news, is it? As expected, the Colorado appeals court has stripped off the 1st Amendment to ensure the right (not included in the Constitution) of the LGBTLMNOP crowd picking a fight with Christians to literally have their cake (and eat it, too, I suppose). Jack Phillips refused (again) to create a product that conflicted with his religious beliefs and they ruled it illegal. In Colorado, at least, government can make laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion. But we all knew that was coming, didn't we?

Who Gets to Decide?
A judge has temporarily blocked enforcement of California's AB 2098 which went into effect this year. The law was intended to block misinformation by doctors regarding COVID-19. The primary standard for what constituted misinformation was "contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus." That's because, as we all know, the standard for "fact" in science is consensus. Like "the Challenger is perfectly safe" or "Thalidomide is the best treatement for nausea in pregnant women" or "Darwin was right."

What Did We Expect?
Death row inmates in Texas are suing the prison system because it is cruel and unusual punishment to leave them in solitary confinement prior to their execution. Of course, when getting someone wet against their wishes is classified as "brutal" and "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman" causes "trauma," then just about any discomfort will be considered "cruel and unusual" regardless of how just or common it is.

A Change of Pace
I know some people don't like the Babylon Bee, so I thought I'd give you some from Genesius Times.

Filed under Deep Thoughts by AOC, she asks "If global warming is a hoax, why is it 90° right now in Australia in the middle of winter??" Then they took on Davos, where billionaires flew private jets to lecture everyone on climate change. Finally, you heard that Biden visited El Paso to get a firsthand look at the border crisis. Having been there, he's promising to send another $20 billion to defend Ukraine's border.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Speaking of Lost Rights: I guess we've come full circle. In the beginning of the US, Congress couldn't enact laws making religions official State religions, but states didn't have that restriction and had specific state denominations. Fast forward and now they're realizing history and since they can't ban Christianity on a State level, will work on banning it on a state level.

    What Did We Expect: I just heard a youtuber say that freedom should allow people to put what ever drugs they want in their body, and drug dealers should be free to sell those drugs. He was arguing against someone that was calling for harsher criminal penalties, so his response is to remove penalties and encourage criminal activity.

  2. Is David saying that "state denominations " were a GOOD thing??

  3. Truly, David. One could start up a blog which focuses solely and the stupidity which led to that which you highlight in your comment. It is out of control. It gets worse and worse every day and people actually support and defend it. I'm so glad I won't live forever.

  4. Unfit

    The story of this guy brings out the hypocrisy of the left. While so many have railed on about the truthfulness of every utterance of Donald Trump, they were left with the problem of pointing out one single thing he said which wasn't 100% true and at the same time, caused some kind of problem. Most of his supporters had no problem recognizing when he was just flappin' his gums.

    Since then, along comes Joey Plugs, and his fifty year history of outright fabrications and lies is dismissed on the weakest of premises. It hasn't stopped.

    Now we have Santos and he's the worst liar in history, despite being less than half Biden's age and in politics for a mere minute by comparison and what has he done? He's lied about his personal history just as Biden has done, just as Richard Blumenthal has done, just as Elizabeth Warren has done, and evidently just as the Clyde Shavers has done. The real issue for most who are feigning outrage is that he identifies as a Republican. The worst hypocrite demands we on the right must condemn him despite this hypocrite voting for Biden, promoted him during the run-up to the election as a good man, better than Trump, yada, yada, yada. This same hypocrite speaks of Trump as a conman. What's more conman-like than telling lies about one's background in order to draw support? "Biden's great! He was tops in his class, had several doctorates, marched with MLK and beat the poop out of Corn Pop!!" I don't recall and "lies" like that from Trump. Still waiting for someone to highlight one.

    Here's the thing. We all would like perfectly honest people running for office. I believe there some, but we all know most, at the least, stretch the truth now and then. They should all stop it.

    I Might Have to Disasgree to Agree

    She's a woman and we all know women have been historically oppressed, so just stop it. It's not her fault because she's among a historically oppressed group and who are you to say what's provocative??? You misogynist!!!

    No-Fix Fix

    It's quite clear at this point that when a politician pushes for any form of gun control, they're some combination of liar and moron.

    Speaking of Lost Rights

    This was predicted long before unconstitutional court rulings gave this crowd "rights" to which they are not entitled. How could be otherwise that these fictitious "rights" would not be in conflict with actual Constitutionally enumerated rights? Indeed, this was discussed way back when as well, and those who supported the "gay" agenda presumed it should be religious rights which must be subordinate to the fake "rights" they sought.

    Who Gets to Decide?

    It seems to me that any such law enacted must include proving the speech they disliked is actually false and harmful. I believe such speech is already unprotected under the 1st Amendment. There's no need to have liars determine what can or can't be said about what they support. Just prove what the liars don't like is false and harmful.

    What Did We Expect?

    I just love when the criminal and sinner insists they can dictate how bad their behavior is and what punishment is appropriate. It's just so precious.

    A Change of Pace

    Really? There are actually people who don't like the Babylon Bee? I wonder who they might be?

  5. On that last point, Marshal, I HAVE had complaints from the one you likely have in mind, but it's actually more from people on my side who say, "I'm not really keen on the Bee." And, don't worry. This "change of pace" was temporary. :)

  6. Anonymous, no, I wasn't saying it was a good thing, only that it was a thing that happened just as today people are trying to ban Christianity in the public square at the state level, even though the State keeps protecting it, for now. I forsee a day when our beliefs will be illegal in public. As if any belief that doesn't effect your daily life and how you interact with people is of any value. If your beliefs can be held in private and not in public, they aren't something you truly believe in.


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