Saturday, January 14, 2023

News Weakly - 1/14/2023

Trump's Fault
Apparently more than 300 people were arrested in Brazil after supporters of the losing candidate attempted to storm the palace. Unlike the American version 2 years ago, no unarmed rioters were shot and there were no reports of death or injuries. Unlike America's version this did appear to be an attempted insurrection. Still, clearly, it was Trump's fault and Brazil will surely sue Trump for damages.

Nothing To See Here
President Biden hasn't visited the southern border since he took office, but he was quite sure he had made an impact on the problem, so he visited El Paso this last weekend ... after El Paso authorities feverishly evicted 6 busloads of Venezuelans (for starters -- they said 200 total were sent to Mexico) to clean it up for the president. The Border Patrol Union tweeted "We suggest landing in Des Moines, Iowa and telling him it's El Paso. He'll never know the difference." I didn't even have to make that up.

Even Seattle Gets It
Seattle is an ultra-liberal city (think "defund the police" and such), but the school district there is suing Big Tech for poisoning youth with social media addiction. They say they can't do their jobs because of the problems caused by social media such as TikTok. Big Tech is saying, "We're not responsible for content," but it's not the content; it's the medium itself that is designed to captivate and addict people. If Seattle gets it, why don't parents?

A Feel-Good Fairy Tale
In response to the epidemic of gun violence, keenly felt in places like Chicago, Illinois lawmakers have passed a assault weapon ban for the state. Whew! What a relief! Except ... the facts say otherwise. Of all deaths in 2020, for instance, gun deaths constituted about 1.3%. Of those deaths, 54% were suicides. In 2020, there were 626 deaths from mass murders or mass killings (I'm not sure what the distinction is). That is about 1.4% of gun deaths. Doing the math, mass killings in 2020 constituted 0.02% of 2020 deaths. In comparison, 1.4% of the total deaths were by auto accident and 2.7% by drug overdose. So we will make people feel safer by eliminating (theoretically) 0.02% of deaths without touching the larger problems, and they will call that a "win." And they lived (blindly and) happily ever after.

Truth Claims Falsified
Are hard as this may be to believe, despite the multiple claims by the president that, thanks to him, we beat COVID, the White House has extended the COVID emergency ... again. Believe it or not.

Thank You, Mr. President
And now they tell us that egg prices have more than tripled. That can't be, can it? Didn't they pass that really cool "Inflation Reduction Act"? Broken government. Or, in biblical terms, "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes" (Psa 118:9).

Another Thing Out of Bounds for Men
M&Ms is putting out a new candy pack with all female characters. Message received, M&Ms. Males are not welcome to buy your product. Will comply.

Double Standard for Offense
The U.S. Department of the Interior announced new names for five sites whose names previously included the word "squaw." "Squaw," you see, as a reference to an indigenous woman, is derogatory. "Harmful," was the term they used. Never mind that the term comes from the Algonquian languages as their term for "woman." Heaven forbid we call Algonquian women what Algonquian speakers call them. Is this like the "n" word where black people can use it about black people but white people can't?

Looking Out for the Big Guy
In their relentless pursuit of the rights of workers, Michigan Democrats are pushing for the removal of the "right-to-work" laws in Michigan. Yes, you can work there, as long as you pay the union dues and fees. No, you shouldn't have the right to just work in Michigan. You need to embrace your union overlords.

The ABeeCs of This Week's News
You heard, I'm sure, that they discovered classified documents in Biden's private quarters. It's not the same as the Trump version, of course. Biden says he is unaware of any classified documents ... or who he is or why he's in this oval-shaped office. And, as expected, the DOJ is adding an indictment of Trump for Biden's possession of classified documents. The Bee noted the all-female M&M product and suggested that the male M&Ms are finally enjoying some peace and quiet. Finally, mystery solved. The Bee discovered the cause of this week's air travel shutdown. Apparently Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg fell asleep on the "SHUT DOWN ALL AIR TRAVEL" button ... again. Mystery solved.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Even Seattle Gets It. Because Seattle wants to be control of children's minds and their parents don't.

    Double Standard for Offense. I came to a realization recently that there is a word in the English language that is as holy as YHWH was to the Jews.

  2. Yeah, I think that Seattle doesn't want anything to distract kids from the indoctrination they get in the public schools. I'm not saying that they aren't right in pointing out the harm caused by social media, just that what they want to replace it with isn't any better.

    It's been a while, but the number of murders committed with rifles of any type is a minuscule number. Which means that assault rifles/weapons are a smaller % of a minuscule number. Even if this ban was to eliminate all murders with assault rifles/weapons the effect would be unnoticeable. But at least they'll feel better about themselves and their constituents will be fooled into thinking that something substantial has been accomplished.

  3. Numbers of homicides (which includes suicide) by firearms is a significant number (I recall something like 6,000), but with rifles or assault weapons, they were less than homicide by hands and feet. No one is trying to ban those (for reasons I can't quite figure out). "Assault weapons" (I'm thinking specifically of automatic weapons) have been around since the early 20th century (1910, I believe), but haven't been nearly the problem they have become (and we've already agreed that they aren't the massive problem that people think they are. I would argue that guns aren't the problem, but no one is interested in addressing the human problem and the decline of morals or sanctity of life.

  4. Stan,

    Exactly. This is just a way to act like they are doing something, without actually doing anything substantial. Of course, when this has zero effect on anything, they'll likely come after something else.


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