Saturday, December 31, 2022

News Weakly - 12/31/22

Mixed Signals
The president offered a Christmas Address told of how things are improving, like "COVID ... no longer controls our lives" while the news reports that the U.S. is the first nation to report total COVID cases in the 9-figure range (over 100 million). Someone needs to get their stories straight.

They complained about Trump adding $7 trillion to the national debt (By the way, Obama increased the national debt by the most yet -- $8.6 trillion), but Biden signed that grand budget to take us farther and farther down the national debt rabbit hole. In fact, in his two years in office he has bumped it up $4 trillion. Oh, and here's a fun fact. Only one Democrat voted against the spending bill -- AOC. Hard to believe, being the queen of wanting to spend other people's money, but makes sense. She's opposed to funding ICE or the military, so ... (and that was her reasoning, not my snark.)

The Women of Afghanistan say "Thank You, Joe"
The Taliban doesn't discourage women from working. They have banned them ... from government and non-government work. In August, just after Biden pulled the troops out with their tails between their legs, the Taliban promised to protect women's rights ... per the Sharia law ... which is zero. That's our Joe ... always concerned about people's rights.

Fire That MAiD
In March of next year Canada will start killing the mentally ill. Okay, that sounds harsh, but I don't think it's particularly incorrect. Having already put together a nice package of euthenasia for the masses, the government program called MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) will allow the mentally ill to be executed. Where suicide is illegal in most places, the government will assist if you're crazy enough to want it. How long before it is "offered" to those who don't?

Global Warming
Dozens have died in the Buffalo area alone from the winter storm that hit this week. I'm telling you. If this global warming keeps up, we're all going to freeze to death.

Happy New Year
Remember that fabled "Inflation Reduction Act" that was supposed to save us all from soaring inflation? Turns out people making less than $400K a year should expect to pay hefty taxes to cover that "inflation reduction" that was supposed to be a gift from Joe. (I know I received notification that income I was receiving would be getting taxed this coming year when it wasn't this last year.) Not sure how increasing taxes to the poor and middle class is "inflation reduction." Your fine government at work. Happy New Year, all.

Don't Worry; Bee Happy
With all the canceled flights this last week, some of the airlines are taking a closer look at their "work from home" policy. On the other hand, there was a whole lot of Spirit Airline passengers that were severely disappointed that their flights weren't canceled. I don't know if you saw the news item, but apparently Ukrainian president Zelensky shot his eye out while playing with the rocket launcher he got from the U.S. for Christmas. But, seriously, satire aside, why wasn't this a news item around the world? "Breaking: God Is With Us."

As we end this happy year, we think of the new cereal, Lost. Next time your mother goes to the store, tell her to get Lost.


  1. Mixed Signals

    As I recall, we were never controlled by Covid. We were controlled by government entities who exploited Covid for the purpose, and citizens who bought into the narrative which implied the virus was the Andromeda Strain.

    The Women of Afghanistan say "Thank You, Joe"

    Ah!...the title was sarcasm!

    Fire That MAiD

    Not all who seek their own deaths are crazy. Some weigh the impact on loved ones by staying alive as greater would be dying. It's not quite the same as taking a bullet for someone, or throwing one's self on a grenade, but it's on that level with more than a split second to make the decision. I don't agree with the argument, but there is a certain logic to it until one considers murdering one's own self is prohibited by God, too.

    Then, of course, there are those situations where one simply rejects further efforts to stave off death. My father-in-law eventually came to that decision as he was deteriorating due to ALS. He disconnected from the machines helping him breathe and such and let nature take its course. He did so out of concern for the financial burden on his wife, as well as recognizing the futility of such efforts to prolong his diminishing quality of life any longer.

    But for most others, it definitely in conflict with the oath medical professionals take to do no harm. There are plenty of speeding trucks and trains in front of which one could throw one's self...plenty of cliffs off of which one could leap. No need to put a doc on the spot. Just sayin'.

    Global Warming

    Saw an article trying to dissuade all snarky comments about climate change because of winter events. I skimmed it and found it wanting. The basic premise was that temperature has nothing to do with how we're destroying ourselves by messing with the climate and we must give all our money prevent our destruction from our sins.

    Happy New Year

    Thanks to all who rejected Trump. At least the economy was growing despite his own drunken Democrat-like spending. This was probably the most likely consequence of that rejection and easiest to predict. Dems spend foolishly. It's what they do. The stupider the Dem, the more foolish the amount of spending.

    Don't Worry; Bee Happy

    The fetching Mrs. Marshal Art flew to IL for Christmas and then back. So thankful her flights weren't delayed or cancelled.

  2. On Trump's $7+ trillion deficit, there are two points I didn't bring out (because "News Weakly" isn't as much about explaining all the details and more at satire). First, the people that point angrily at Trump and decry, "He increased our debt by more than $7 trillion!" ignore the fact that their guy, Obama, increased it by more than $8 trillion. Second, Trump's $7 trillion was almost exclusively caused by $4 trillion in COVID response in 2020 alone. That is, it was an event, not a Democratic spending spree. But his most ardent opponents won't take facts into account, will they?

  3. Very true. Context is important, but also can interfere with a narrative. Still, I do think Trump spent too much for just one term even without the Covid response, but spending is always a problem with the government, isn't it?


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