Saturday, December 24, 2022

News Weakly - 12/24/22

You're Embarrassing Yourself
His own daughter voted against him, so a New Jersey committeeman who lost his bid for reelection is suing to throw out her ballot. People like that give democracy a bad name. If we get to throw out the ballots of those who we allege "voted wrong," it will not go well for America. Hopefully it will not go well for this dingleberry.

So Many Words That Don't Mean What We Think They Mean
Just keep in mind. If you make unplanned, off-the-cuff remarks that someone finds offensive, like a "made-up language" that is an impression of a "sort of Asian" language, you may not be allowed to work. At all. End of story. An apology will not do. Because we are a kind, inclusive, tolerant, nonjudgmental society.

The Ever-Changing Landscape of PC Language
Ever-helpful Standford University has released a guide to "harmful" language, words we should not use. Well, technically, it is a guide for Stanford from their "Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative," but what's bad for Stanford should also be harmful for the rest of us. So harmful terms like "immigrant" or "American" should be avoided. Like "walk-in" because it "trivializes the experiences of people living with disabilities." And certainly not "paraplegic" or "quadriplegic." Use "person with a spinal cord injury" because that's must less harmful and much clearer. "For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking" (Rom 1:21). (Note: The Babylon Bee offers their own submissions for language to avoid.)

The Threat
The city of Buffalo, NY, is suing gun manufacturers and distributors as a "threat to public health." The mayor cited "the possession of illegal guns" as the problem, and, apparently, that's caused by the people that make legal guns (and, apparently, not the people doing the crimes). I'm quite sure there will be suits filed against knife makers and the Maker of people with hands and feet (one of the top methods of murder) forthcoming, since we're quite sure the maker of weapons used for murder are the threat. (Postscript. My News Weakly is always a bit satirical and not intended to be literal, but I still feel the need to point out that I didn't defend guns, gun owners, or killing people. My satire here is aimed at the thinking that people that make legal things that can kill are responsible for the problem.)

See? Republicans Can Be Liberal, Too
In an effort to distance themselves from Trump and the $7 trillion debt he incurred for the nation, Republicans have voted in an additional $1.7 trillion funding deal but complain about it. I guess it's no longer just the Democrats who are generous with other people's money.

Thought You Might Be Interested
You may (or may not) recall the story of Andrew Thornburg, the new CEO of the Essendon Football Club in Australia who got fired days after he was hired simply because he went to a church that was known to believe the Bible ... and, as we all know, that means they aren't really excited about homosexual behavior. Mind you, he never said anything of the sort, but what he did conclude was that, clearly, his personal Christian faith was "not tolerated or permitted in the public square." Well, turns out Essendon has apologized. They admitted what they did was wrong and that Thornburg really was a nice guy. Of course, there's no way he'd get his job back, but that was quite an unexpected turn around.

Trump Derangement Syndrome Again
Trump has retorted that the Jan. 6 committee report was "highly partisan" and the media and her hounds are scorning and ridiculing the man for it. I cannot imagine why. I'm no fan of Mr. Trump, but it doesn't take a bias to see that those who made up the committee were either Trump-haters for their political ties or Trump-haters because they hated him. (Seven Democrats and two Republicans who were already outspoken critics of the president can't be construed as "non-partisan" or "unbiased".) The report is highly partisan. If admitting that fact means you believe the report is a lie, I guess I see why you'll need to ridicule the ex-president for it.

Beelieve in Christmas
Not the Bee, but close. Did you hear about the dramatic discovery in Israel? Archaeologists in Bethlehem uncovered the original Yoda-with-Santa-hat-and-coat inflatable decoration likely used by Joseph and Mary that first Christmas. Exciting, isn't it? Now on to the Bee. On the visit of Ukraine's president to Washington D.C., the Bee's headline read, "Biden Nervous as Boss Drops by Unexpectedly." Christmas is on their list of hit points, too. One story is how the nation celebrates Christmas by traumatizing toddlers by taking them to meet Santa. Another is on the husband who, having heard his wife complain about the vacuum cleaner for months, is sure he's found a sure winner of a gift for her. Just a few of the fun stories this week that must be true since I found them on the Internet.

And, as it is Christmas Eve, I'd like to wish you all a warm celebration and remembrance of our Savior's birth.

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