Saturday, December 17, 2022

News Weakly - 12/17/22

The Guy You Want in Charge
A new, 25-year-old congressman is having trouble getting housing in Washington D.C. because, he says, he has "really bad" credit. The story says the account "illustrates a national housing crisis," but I tend to think it illustrates the failure of too many people and, therefore, our government to be fiscally responsible. Florida voted in a representative to manage the nation's funds who can't manage his own.

Elton John quit Twitter because it is "being used to divide our world." It was not "being used to divide" when it was unleashed on ideas and people that Elton (and others) opposed. It's only now that it includes "misinformation" -- information that is opposed by the ruling class ... whether or not it is true. (Think Hunter Biden, for instance.)

As Promised
Losing governor candidate, Kari Lake, is suing the state to challenge her defeat ... like she promised before the election. Well, would you look at that? A politician who keeps her promises. That's not always a good thing.

Nero Fiddles
Thousands of illegal immigrants crossed the border in El Paso alone last weekend. The Border Patrol is reporting that in the fiscal year that ended in September they encountered 164,000 Nicaraguans alone. "This is not an invasion. Pay no attention to the numbers behind the curtain. Everything is okay," the government assures us.

Not Really News
Not really. Biden signed the bill that erased the longstanding, traditional definition of marriage from the dictionary. "Today is a good day," Biden said. "A day America takes a vital step toward equality, for liberty and justice -- not just for some, but for everyone. Toward creating a nation where decency, dignity and love are recognized, honored and protected." Ironic that he believes that a bill aimed at silencing biblical beliefs and removing a biblical concept of "love" is good "for everyone" and makes love "recognized, honored, and protected."

Preserve and Protect
The White House showed its true colors this week. It reminds me of a house near me. They have a flag like that in the window and a sign that says, "All are welcome here." So I knocked on the door one day and said, "I'd like to tell you about Jesus." They closed the door in my face. Exclusive inclusivity is irrational. And "all" are not welcome if they don't agree with the ruling party.

Science as Hate Speech
I don't like using Fox News as a source, but apparently no Left-leaning sources are carrying this story. A Norwegian filmaker -- a lesbian feminist -- is facing 3 years in prison in Norway for criminal hate speech by claiming on Facebook that a biological male cannot become pregnant or a lesbian. Free speech and, obviously, science are not on the table in Norway, a reality that could be coming soon to country near you.

Did You Know?
The "father" of "no God in our time" could arguably be Charles Darwin whose Origin of the Species set us all free from any so-called Creator. But did you know? The actual title of his book is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Because Darwin believed that white people were the true human race and the rest were all savages that needed to be exterminated. So why hasn't he (and his line of thinking) been canceled? Where's your god now?

Believing The Big Lie
Democrats have introduced a bill to prevent Trump from running again based on the 14th Amendment -- you can't hold office if you engaged in insurrection. Except Trump did not engage in insurrection and, in fact, the FBI declared such. But, look, if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people believe you, so obviously he did. Who's believing the big lie now? (By the way, that "lie big enough and keep repeating it" line is a quote from Joseph Goebbels.)

Where Would We Bee Without Them?
This was too rich to pass up. The Babylon Bee showed a picture of the White House lit up "with the symbol of a religious cult." Fact or satire? After an earlier, obviously false story about Brittney Griner fleeing back to Russia after seeing an American flag, there was a story about her returning to a quiet life of obscurity in the WNBA. And Mitt Romney, after Kyrsten Sinema's exit, announced he would remain in the Democratic Party. Just a few of the fun stories from the Bee.

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