Saturday, November 26, 2022

News Weakly - 11/26/22

So Many Things Wrong
The story was the shooting in a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub. So many things wrong. It was horrible that someone walked in and gunned down 5 people, injuring 17 others. It was horrible, given the Colorado "red flag" laws, that the man even had a gun (given his history). It was horrible that such hate could motivate such carnage. It is also wrong that some people assume that everyone who disagrees with LGBTxxx values is a hater who secretly affirms such horrible things ... and hates them for it.

Right to Privacy? Yeah, Right.
"Don't worry," they tell us, "you can trust us." As it turns out, major tax filing services have been sending your private tax information to Facebook to feed their advertising algorithms. Talk to me again about our "right to privacy." I, for one, embrace our Internet overlords.

Not All Solutions Are Necessarily Solutions
Some of us aren't really surprised, but the Washington Post is reporting that "Vaccinated people now make up a majority of COVID deaths." "It's no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated." Just what some of us were concerned about.

Depends On Who Says It
Monty Python's Eric Idle pulled no punches in an interview. He admitted his feelings about conservatives: "I hate them intensely." Now, of course, since it's a liberal saying it, we must not construe that as hate speech ... except that it is.

Banning Is Not Just a Town in California
In 2021 the number of murders in the U.S. by far was by handguns. More people were killed by "personal weapons" (like hands, fists, etc.) than by rifles or shotguns. So it could be baffling that President Biden is hoping to pass a ban on "assault weapons" ... before January. (Note: Biden thinks of "semi-automatic weapons" as "assault weapons," which says a lot about his lack of understanding on "assault weapons" ... and the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment.) But, given the change in the make-up of Congress that happens then, you can imagine why he wants it now.

Because We Care
Amazon warehouse workers across 40 countries walked off the job on one of the busiest shopping days of the year to "Make Amazon Pay." "For workers and consumers, the price of everything is going up," they complain, so they stop consumers from being able to pay their wages and hope to raise prices further as a show of concern for the public in general. (I'm always baffled when people protest in a way that will inconvenience and threaten the people they need to support them rather than the people they are protesting.) Look, let's just pay everyone $100/hr and be done with it, right? What could go wrong?

Bee Thankful
Disney made the news this week for an expected "restructuring" by the new CEO. The Bee reports that Disney is promising to make their child grooming efforts slightly less obvious. And Musk restored Trump's Twitter account this week. In response, the Talliban quit Twitter in protest and reports of up to 13 billion have died from the violence and chaos Trump's reinstatement caused.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. So Many Things Wrong
    Just read focus on the family got defaced in colorado springs :(

    Depends On Who Says It
    My own liberal sister says she hates evangelicals. Yeah, its not hate speech. right.

    Because We Care
    $100/hr for everyone. Ha indeed, what could go wrong.


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