Saturday, November 12, 2022

News Weakly - 11/12/22

COVID-Related Deaths
The CDC is reporting that a "massive increase" of alcohol-related deaths occurred during the COVID pandemic. In other words, the efforts to curb COVID-related deaths caused a "massive increase" of deaths. A different kind of "COVID-related death."

Twitter Lies
Joe Biden is complaining that Twitter "spews lies." Now, on one hand, I thought that was a given, since it is a public forum for people to say what they want. On the other hand, I wonder if the president is willing to include his Twitter feed in the lies spewed by Twitter.

Not Thinking It Through
Protesters in London tied up multiple roadways for hours urging people to "Just stop oil." That is, for hours thousands of people in cars burned excess fuel trying to wade through the protesters blocks. Nice. Couldn't have been more effective in increasing oil sales if the oil companies had planned it.

Not News
Model Gigi Hadid shut down her Twitter account because Twitter has become a "cesspool of hate" and "bigotry" under Musk. I don't doubt that it is, but "under Musk" is irrelevant. It was that long before Musk took over; just primarily from the other side.

That Says It All
One of Pennsylvania's state representatives running for re-election died last month. On Tuesday, his constituents voted him back in. There's something telling about suggesting that our best representation is dead representation, or that the best politician we can find isn't speaking at all. You come up with one of your own.

Unclear on the Concept
Biden said the "Red Wave" didn't happen and that makes it "a good day for democracy." That's because democracy, in his mind, is only when Democrats take the lead ... which is, in fact, the opposite of democracy. It's a "good day for democracy" any time democracy works ... even if it's not the way some wanted it to go.

What Could Go Wrong?
This seemed strange. Four states voted to change their constitutions to prohibit slavery or involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime. On the surface we say, "Well, yeah. We thought slavery was already outlawed." But it is specifically for crime. And how much of a step is it from "involuntary servitude for crime is prohibited" to "involuntary incarceration for crime is prohibited"? Given the wording of this thing, how will it be possible to imprison anyone? (Think about the death penalty and the common "cruel and unusual punishment" arguments.) I just wonder what could go wrong?

The Bee Again
I've often had fun with the Babylon Bee striking satire at the heart of the Left, but it was kind of fun to see it thrown the other way this time. With no clear "Red Wave" in the election results, they had a story of disappointed Christian Republicans who were briefly considering placing their trust in God again. "After months of putting their trust in human leaders for protection, some Christians are suggesting we all start trusting the creator of the universe for the future." Yeah, right. Earlier Biden warned that this midterm vote was a danger to democracy, to the Bee told of how record numbers of voters showed up to end democracy. Truth is, not much to talk about this election, so let's just laugh and move on.


  1. COVID-Related Deaths

    One of so many kinds of COVID-related deaths. Thanks Dems.

    Twitter Lies

    Let ME say it, Joe!!! "Someone hacked my account!" Isn't that how it works?

    Not Thinking It Through

    They are who Rush Limbaugh referred to as "environmentalist wackos" and they're like all the other types of leftist protesters, none of whom ever think anything through any more than do those from whom they get their marching orders.

    Not News

    Just another celebrity moron projecting.

    That Says It All

    I'm sorry. I didn't read the article. Did he die before or after early voting began in that state? Not that it matters as regards the intelligence of Dem voters. I wonder how he was faring in the polls against his opponent. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a tight race and the leftist media didn't go out of their way to report it...we know the left isn't much for staying informed about ANY of the issues. I can't conceive that I wouldn't be aware of any of my candidate choices passed before casting my vote. But I'm not a lefty, so...

    Unclear on the Concept

    Just a slogan or platitude the left likes to use because they believe it will resonate with all the loony lefty voters who don't pay attention or have the intellect to know to what they should. Another cheap appeal to emotion in lieu of having an actual plan.

  2. What Could Go Wrong?

    This is not only what comes from voting only Dems could conceive of such a plan and pretend it's of true value to society, but it's an indictment of the leftist voter once again. I keep thinking back to the book What's The Matter With Kansa from 2004, which sought to make the argument social conservatives were working against their own best interests ...supposedly because fiscal conservatives were hurting them financially. I never read it, but the premise suggested to me the author doesn't acknowledge the seriousness of cultural issues and their impact on society, which in turn also impacts us economically. As such, those conservatives weren't putting their financial situation above the bad behaviors corrupting the culture, and as such were in no way working against their own best interests.

    But these with the Dems in 2020 in concert with Trump haters...absolutely are working against their best interests as our current national condition clearly demonstrates.

    The Bee Again

    Ah, the Bee. I wonder if they're truly mocking Christian Republicans, or those who think very many have put more trust in politicians than in God. It's an absurd notion which sounds familiar. Such people who make that suggestion come off to me as pseudo-santimonious to condescend in such a way toward brethren who understand how their actions can impact their fellow man for better or worse, and seek to only affect them for the better. It also makes me wonder if those who say such things about Christian Republicans put any trust in their spouses to remain faithful, supportive and whatever else their wedding vows promised. What about their local businesses. Do they trust they will be dealt with fairly in commerce? What about speaking in confidence to an old friend? Any trust in that friend to keep what is said confidential? I can list a greater number of scenarios in which a typical Christian of any political persuasion will place trust in another human being, and I would insist that most of even the most devoted of the elect do so with some regularity and in no case would anyone suggest it means they put more trust in a person than in God...or that they trust God above all others in whom they put any trust at all.

    There is indeed much to talk about regarding this election, and a lot of it is related to most of what was of concern in the last. But hey...who cares how many people were and will be hurt, right? It's all in God's hands so we don't have to care about such things. It's above our pay grade, right? Isn't that how Obama put it?

  3. Just a comment, here, Marshal. When I said, " Truth is, not much to talk about this election, so let's just laugh and move on," I meant from a satirical, "News Weakly" perspective. But I do appreciate the dig on your part just the same ... which seems odd since you were pretty sure that most Christians trust God more than they trust the world's political structures to make things right.

  4. Marshall, you make an assumption about Democrat voters that I don't agree with. I think it is a predominantly American problem. Most voters are not well informed on who or what they are voting for. I would hope that the in-person ballots would be able to be amended to remove a dead person from the list in today's mostly digital age. But I doubt the death of one person made it into the news feed of most Americans. The fact that Dems voted for a dead guy is a statement against popular vote, not against just one side. If there had been a similar death on the Red side, I guarantee you would have seen a similar outcome. I don't believe Republicans in general are all that more informed on current events than Democrats. I believe political ignorance is a non-partisan problem.

  5. Stan,

    Do you have any polling data which confirms this suspicion most Christians do NOT trust God more than they trust the world's political structures to make things right? I simply believe they are two different things and the trust is relative to whomever one is referencing. Again, do you trust your wife to act a certain way with regard to the vows she took? If so, does that mean you trust her more than God with regard to how she acts? I just don't get your problem with the concept of trusting other human beings. Maybe you can lend some clarification to your opinion on the matter.

  6. David,

    I speak only with regard to those I know, as well as to those with whom I converse in person or on line. I cannot think of a Dem voter who has demonstrated a decent grasp of any of the issues (including the politicians they support, for that matter). So many things seem so crystal clear...such as the horrible mess that party has caused over the years as well as how little Trump had to do with any of the candidates he endorsed. With regard to this election, as well as the last, there is just so much which is so obvious, none of which seems to have mattered to them. If they're paying attention and still voted as they did, that's tons worse. But when I speak with them, again, no grasp. When pressed to defend their positions, I get nothing.

    This isn't at all to say there are no problems on the right side of the divide. But as regards the average conservative, or even not-so-conservative Republican, few miss the problems we face as Americans...few are unaware. With regard to those I support, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't miss the fact that one of the croaked and would not vote for that person. I absolutely do not agree you'd see the same outcome with any degree of numbers which would result in the dead guy being elected. Not a chance in Hades.

    If you could, please explain what you mean by this election of a dead guy being "a statement against popular vote". I have no idea what you mean by this. What other kind of vote is there, aside from the Electoral College for president?

  7. There was a concern early in our country about uniformed people having a say in how our country works. We see today that fear confirmed.

  8. Please, for Pete's sake, be more clear in your opinion. What uniformed people are you referencing?

  9. Please overlook the typo and read "uninformed."

  10. Ah....Well....we all like to regard ourselves as the informed ones, don't we?


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