Monday, November 14, 2022


You've all heard, I assume, the little illustration, "There is no 'I' in 'team'." We get it. "Team" means "us," so "I" is not the point. Interestingly, however, there is no "U" in "team" either, so ... the whole thing breaks down.

Let's try another one. While there is no "I" in "team," there certainly is in "sin." As a matter of fact, "I" is at the center of "sin." And I think that's a fine indicator of a significant fact. I am always at the center of my sin, starting with "I will be like the Most High." Sin occurs when we take our eyes off the True Center -- Christ -- and get them on self. Sin is always the result of us making ourselves the center.

I like this group from Canada -- Downhere. They have a song about how they were searching for the reasons for the problems with this world. They conclude, "The problem with this world ... is me." It is true. We might blame "the serpent" (Gen 3:13) or we might blame God (Gen 3:12), but in the end we are the problem and the sin of mankind is the problem with this world. Suddenly "the finished work of Christ" becomes a really big thing.

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