Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sacred Writings

In Paul's second letter to Timothy, Paul references "the sacred writings." He was telling Timothy that the last days would be filled with false teachers characterized by self-love and the host of evil that self-love spawns (2 Tim 3:1-9). "But don't worry," he seems to say, "there is an answer. You have closely followed the example you've seen in me" (2 Tim 3:10-11). "Things will get worse," he goes on to warn, "but you continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them" (2 Tim 3:14). We're in the last days, we're told, and the solution is to avoid the wrong crowd (2 Tim 3:5) and follow the right one. How did Timothy know who the right ones were? "From childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim 3:15).

What a glorious heritage! Timothy had a believing grandmother and mother (2 Tim 1:5) who immersed Timothy when he was young in "the sacred writings." These are effective. They defend against the wrong ideas and ways. They give wisdom, a wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ. These are solid. "Trust them, Timothy," Paul is saying. Why? Why trust them? Because "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim 3:16-17). There are a lot of "sacred writings" for a lot of religions, but only one "Scripture" -- only one "God-breathed" version. Only one that is as profitable as the one we have. It will make the man of God complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. It is sufficient and authoritative. It is trustworthy when so many other things and people are not.

We are in the last days (1 John 2:18). We know that because of all the false teachers tumbling out of our churches. Every day is one day closer to the end, to Christ's return. The promise is that things will get worse, not better. Especially in the church, the primary source of false teachers more in love with self that God. But there is help. God has breathed out His Word. It is reliable, effective, authoritative, and sufficient. That, of course, will make it one of Satan's first targets, and he has done so from the beginning. Which also happens to be a good way to tell if you're hearing a follower of Christ or a false teacher. Do they agree with the Word or deny it, twist it, edit it, alter it? Our Bible is "sacred writing," but not in itself. It is God's words to us, and He has made it such. So who are you going to believe?

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