Saturday, October 29, 2022

News Weakly - 10/29/22

Crazy in California
Spent a few days in California this last week for a wedding. "Crazy" was an apt description. The billboard urged them to vote for Prop 1 to "eliminate unnecessary late-term abortions." Prop 1 is the proposition to make abortion the law of the land in California. It will eliminate "unnecessary late-term abortions" by doing them earlier. Another wants voters to "end homelessness" by voting in higher taxes because everyone knows that the homeless problem is simply one of finances. And that was just a sample.

An Example of a Classic
Kari Lake is the Republican candidate for governor in Arizona. The left doesn't like her. So outlets like Mother Jones are working to show that Lake is wrong -- evil? -- because, well, someone in one of her ads doesn't fit their version of "good." Mother Jones took a deep dive into the "everyman" in one of Lake's ads to find out what they didn't like about him and then told us not to trust Lake. Was it because what he said was wrong? No, they didn't approach that. They offered one of the standard ad hominem arguments -- attack the speaker so they can ignore the arguments. Classic. (Note that, in one report on this story, the Arizona Republic believes that anyone who concurs with Eph. 5:22-24 is a misogynist.)

Troubling News
The headline reads, "Sports World Reacts To Troubling World Series News." Oh, my! What news? "No U.S.-born Black players are projected to suit up for the 2022 World Series." Seriously? That's "troubling"? It could only be because of hate, because of racism, because baseball hates black people. We all know the purpose of the MLB is racial equality. (It certainly wasn't the purpose of the BLM folks.) They need to be more like the NFL where 70% are black. And why is no one complaining that 50% of the nation is female, but there are no females in the MLB?

Just What Do You Mean By That?
The story says that domestic terrorism investigations by the FBI doubled between 2020 and 2021. Do you suppose that's because domestic terrorism increased or because the definition of "domestic terrorism" changed? (Or both?) With the redefinition of things like "hate speech" to include "speech that hurts feelings," I suspect we have a broader version of "domestic terrorism" these days (like "election deniers"?) ... which, for reasons that elude me, does not include the media or government.

Just a Thought
Not a story; just a thought. If gender is a social construct and whatever you think it might be, why do we have "LGBT"? The L, G, and B all require binary gender to make sense but the T requires non-binary gender. How can they maintain that logic?

News from the Bee
(Note: Each of these stories has two links associated. One is the Bee reference and the other is the actual news item.)

The CDC has come out with additional list of symptoms of COVID inclcuding declining math and English scores among school-age children. (As a side observation, here, why do they think these lowered scores are due to COVID rather than, say, the spreading focus on "gender" and "race" over math and reading? Just wondering.) The president made history last week when a man pretending to be a woman visited with a man pretending to be president. And after the Oz-Fetterman debate debacle, Pennsylvania has voted to have no representation in the Senate.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Maybe the declining test scores and grades are due to the actions of the government in response to COVID, rather than to COVID itself. Wouldn't that position assume that the government did everything 100% correctly and that every action was 100% necessary?

    I'm convinced that the damage done to our kids actual education, between COVID and this push to cram gender studies into grade school, are going to be some of the biggest long term negative consequences of the past few years.

  2. I was wondering whether the government's overreaction to COVID wasn't partly to blame for decreased scores (especially considering the fact that COVID was such a non-starter among school-age kids). And I don't see it as an "either/or" -- either COVID or "gender and racial studies" -- and I wouldn't doubt "both/and."

  3. I would tend to agree. Going forward I think it will become more and more clear that the various levels of government have served kids in schools very badly and that we'll see the negative results for years to come.

    Of course, they'll blame it on everyone but those responsible.


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