Saturday, October 22, 2022

News Weakly - 10/22/22

Taking a Tough Stand
Australia, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to switch sides on Israel. They no longer recognize West Jerusalem as Israel's capital ... in opposition to God (Gen 12:2; Psa 122:6; Joel 2:18; etc.). Hmm, standing against God. What could go wrong?

Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should
Those thoughtful folks over at Boston University have developed (key word) a COVID-19 strain that has an 80% kill rate. Why? Why would they do that? Why would they admit it? Why should we believe that all the evidence that the original was developed and not accidental is false in light of this new story? Why would we expect that it won't be released? Again, what could go wrong?

Can't Be Bothered with Facts
No less than CNBC is reporting that this is the worst year for stock and bond investors since 1969. How's that for "Build Back Better"?

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Dr. Charles J. Southall, III pleaded guilty to money laundering and admitted to fraudulently obtaining nearly $900,000 from church-owned real estate assets, donations, and congregational giving. A living example of a biblical false teacher (2 Peter 2:1-3), one of Jesus's "ravenous wolves" in the flock (Matt 7:15). One of those "out from us, but not of us" (1 John 2:19).

Unclear on the Concept
According to Statista the U.S. consumed 18.6 million barrels of oil a day in 2021. President Biden is hoping to lower gas prices by releasing ... less than a day's worth of oil (15 million barrels). Then he urges oil companies to abandon profits and investors and eliminate profits to ramp up production. It would appear that the president doesn't understand economics.

Believe the Science
Here's a government you can trust. The Social Security Administration will now allow you to choose your own gender ... including "x". Because that makes perfect sense ... as opposed to, say, science.

Just for Laughs
I'm not a big Genesius Times fan, but I did get a kick out of this headline: "Biden eases fears of nuclear war by posting 'Nuke Free Zone' signs around the country." Nice. And how can you not snicker (or, maybe, cringe?) at the story about how interest in drag queen story hours at libraries has waned since they renamed them for accuracy: "Man-wearing-lingerie-wants-to-spend-time-with-your-kids hour." Finally, lacking a "Crazy California" entry this week, I'll include this one from Texas. Seems they voted to airlift Austin and relocate it in California. Makes sense.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been saying for a long time that COVID-19 was developed for biological warfare; this new strain seems to prove that theory.

    Biden is unclear on every concept conceivable.

    SSAN: This whole administration are biology-deniers.


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