Saturday, October 15, 2022

News Weakly - 10/15/22

The Other Shoe
At the beginning of October an Arizona judge removed the block on Arizona's pro-life law. I applauded, but warned, "We will, of course, wait for the other shoe to drop, because we, as a nation, will not long stand for human life over sexual freedom." I'm not saying I'm a prophet or anything, but ... the other shoe dropped. For now.

"We Demand"
There was a "Women's March" in D.C. over the weekend (although women who weren't interested in fighting for the right to kill babies need not attend). The aim was to let the court and the nation know they intended to fight. Ignoring the "abortion = murder" signs of the counter protesters, they warned they would "Stand up, fight back" with simultaneous (illegal) protests at 6 Supreme Court Justice's homes. It's interesting to me that the California court that forced the state to issue marriage licenses against the state laws voted in by the state voters was "justice" but SCOTUS's removal of constitutional protection for killing babies was "partisan" and "narrow-minded." As usual, nobody is nearly as interested in "justice" as much as "what do we want?"

Lower Learning
As some of us are starting to wonder about the quality of education in America in general (and California in particular), UC Berkeley is offering a course on Nicki Minaj to teach about her impact on hip-hop music. (And it's not just Berkeley.) I sure miss the much more useful Underwater Basketweaving option.

All praise to our glorious president whose people and policies have brought us from the horrible economic prosperity of the Trump era to ... the highest prices ever and the lowest NASDAQ in over 2 years. I, for one, welcome our deranged overlords.

Evil Chick-Fil-A
A startling TikTok video has outraged consumers by revealing that Chick-Fil-A makes its lemonade from "lemon juice with pulp" (specifically not concentrate) and water. Those dastardly enterpreneurs. Now, I know -- that is the standard recipe for lemonade. Apparently people are just angry because some kid isn't in the back hand-squeezing lemons all day. I don't understand people. Apparently, like Trump, Chick-Fil-A is just a company that people love to hate.

California ... Again
Seriously, this seems to be a weekly installment these days. So late last month Governor Newsom signed a new bill into law that makes California a "refuge" for those seeking "gender-affirming care" (by which they obviously mean "encouraging you away from the gender science says you are"). It legalizes removing children from their parents, bars compliance with subpoenas out of state, and protects those who violate the laws of other states in this regard. Parental rights are banned. Federal and state laws are banned. California will do what California deems right regardless of the harm it does children.

In July, Colorado (as an example) dropped their vaccine mandate for health care workers. Last month President Biden declared that the COVID pandemic was over. This week the Biden administration extended the COVID public health emergency declaration while Biden urges Congress to provide billions to pay for vaccines and testing. When President Bush declared victory in Iraq even though there was still fighting there, the media ridiculed him. The media does not appear to be ridiculing Biden. Is it just me, or is this "unequal treatment"?

Bee Happy
There is an upside to our econoomic woes. Christians are finding it easier to stop storing up treasure on earth. After the European Parliament disclosed that Pfizer didn't do proper testing on its COVID vaccine, Pfizer has insisted that it did test it ... on over 5 billion people. And President Biden is admitting that we may have a "very slight" nuclear war with Russia.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. The Other Shoe

    The pro-abort side speaks of hardships, because women being torn limb from limb to relieve them of their pregnancy is an awful hardship for them to bear. Uh...wait...

    "We Demand"

    Not that it matters with regard to the vile demand, but I can't help but snicker at the sight of protesters with whom I would never seek to have illicit sexual relations. Just sayin'.

    Lower Learning

    I would think there should first be some class explaining how "hip-hop" can be called "music". I'd be more interested in learning of what impacted people in a way which made "hip-hop" attractive to them. I'm guessing it's the sex, drugs and promotion of BLM type fiction.


    As should all who helped make it possible.

    Evil Chick-Fil-A

    Indeed. Both would be loved if they promoted the leftist ideologies.

    California ... Again

    It's what voters voted to have. To too many, "justice" is a matter of appeasing one's desires. To deny one indulging them is injustice.


    Typical Dem double standards.

    Bee Happy

    I signed up with the Bee after having seen your posts on them for so long. Thus, I fully expected to see these stories here, too. The first honestly made me laugh hard out loud, particularly as it evoked thoughts of one who uses that verse to demonize the wealthy.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?